Thinking of the past,Standing up for whats right - Chapter 6

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Nami below 

The moment Nami woke up feeling in pain all over

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The moment Nami woke up feeling in pain all over.  she sat up look around seeing the Fire Nation room by the style and fire nation symbols.  

Nami was greeted by Ty Lee and Mai coming in to the room " guys ok?  any luck" Mai sighed as they both shakes their heads

" Azula's Pretty mad......" Mai Started as she sighed sitting on the bed with you and Ty Lee

Nami sighed rolling her shoulder a little as it was hit by that earth bender.  you three talked for a while, not wanting to go see Azula at this moment.

" need to know..." Mai started then looked to Ty Lee

Ty Lee and Mai Exchanged looks knowing that what they where going to say may upset Nami, but knew she had to know about what Azula was planning.  Ty Lee placed a hand on her shoulder as Nami looked at her 

" Azula is planning to Drill in to the Earth kingdom City" Ty Lee looked worred as she and Mai saw Nami get up walking out the Room

Nami Found Azula on the Top Deck Practicing her Lightning " Azula!" you called out walking as she stopped looking at Nami with narrowed eyes

" Its good your finally Awake.....i thought you'd never wake" Azula said her tone wasn't kind it was more sarcastic

" Why are you going to try and drill in to the Earth Kingdom, why....." When Nami said this Azula frowned looking quite annoyed

" Well your the first to go against me" Azula crossed her arms standing as she looked down at you


In the End, Nami kept quite.  she was afraid of what would happen to her if she spoke back to Azula, She was only warned not to speak back to Azula again.  the rest of her time she stayed in her room practicing some bending with one hand.  she needed some time to think so she could figure out a plan, she needed to help the Earth kingdom people.

Nami layed on her back on the bead thinking deeply, about her past, about who her mother was.  

she hardly knew her but she remembered by what the fire Queen told you.  she knew because she had seen it with her own eyes.  your father was A general of a ship who set sail round the waters till meeting Nami's mother.  she was hideing in a fire nation village to keep her self hidden away

your mother than came in to the nation one day pregnant with you,  but got captured and that's when you ended up here.  The Fire Queen told you this because your father was a dear friend, but she never knew what happened to him.  he just disappeared.  

All you had was your necklace, your father knew after a while she was a water bender.  but he didn't care, all he wanted was to have her and that joy that he knew was going to be his child.  but all that came to mind was where was your mother and where did your father vanish  to.

After a few hours Nami's mind snapped, why.......why where you afraid of Azula.  What mattered more right now was the Earth kingdom.  they where going to be under attack in a few hours or so.

Nami got up and pulled out her own clothes, then changed in to her water tribe clothes and put on your necklace that the Fire nation queen gave you from your mother.  she had got it when you where taken from your mother, but gave you it when you where old enough

Nami armed herself filling your few pouches full of water strapping them on her belt.   This was a decision Nami made.  and soon when Nami decided to put it in to action, their was no turning back.  

she was no longer going to sit by an let Azula drill through the Earth kingdom wall.  when you all went in to the drill, Nami stayed her normal self waiting for the right moment, she knew about the drill, it was weak in the inside, she needed to find a way to weaken it.

But for now she waiting for the right moment she would be able to slip away from Azula, Mei and Ty Lee

( Sorry its so short next part will have other peoples POV's - Point of Views)

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now