Lake Laogai - Chapter 11 (part 1)

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The sun came up that morning after as Nami sat near Sokka who was sat trying to design posters of Appa; Aangs lost Byson.  Nami kept the way Long Fang talked when she met him about Aangs lost pet.  Toph was layed back on the floor just relaxing.

" Sokka Question....." Nami said she was sitting near him practicing some water bending with a bowl in front of her that was filled with water

" What is it " Sokka looked up from his attempt to draw Appa, every one of his trys where not good not by a long shot; Nami felt alittle sorry for Sokka

" that guy who we talked to when we got caught.....Long Fang.......when he spoke of Aangs pet....i have got a bad feeling about it"

Sokka shrugged looking like he had no idea about it; Sokka wasn't the brightest at this kind of thing but he was smart at some things like map reading and planning things.  Nami thought he wasn't a bad guy.  he continued to to try and draw Appa on sheets of paper but Nami didnt want to destroy his happness as he could not draw at all

Katara and Aang cam running in to the home looking happy and excited " we found a Printer to make out posters" Katara smiled as she held out one of the posters.  Nami smiled as she stood to take a look at the poster 

i thought designing the lost Appa poster was my idea....i've been working all day on my Appa

Both Katara and Aang snickered trying not to laugh "Sokka the arrow is on Appa's head " Aang commented  looking amused then a little surprised about the drawing about where the arrow was on the Appa picture

Sokka pointed to the picture the bit Aang commented on " this is his head" 

" why is Feet coming out of it?" Katara said walking in front of him to take the picture to take a closer look

" Those are his horns!" Sokka said a little louder snatching the paper from her " i havent seen him in a while ok" Sokka said looking down as he looked a little depressed about his drawing skills

" it looks just like him to me " Toph said sarcastically

" thank you i real-" he stoped knowing that he was stupid to think she ment it since she was blind she couldn't see it " why do feel the need to do that" he said looking sad about it

Nami shook her head, walking over to place a hand on Sokka's shoulder as he looked sad " i think its best to stick with the professional version, but you did your best that's what matters" Nami gave a kind smile at Sokka but he didnt look happy and ripped up the Paper when Katara agreed with Nami

Nami shook her head, walking over to place a hand on Sokka's shoulder as he looked sad " i think its best to stick with the professional version, but you did your best that's what matters" Nami gave a kind smile at Sokka but he didnt look happy an...

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Nami stepped back a little surprised about what Sokka did in a second rage, it was uncalled for Nami thought; he was the type to be mad then to suddenly stop after, it was his way to let it out rather than holding it all it till he blew up.

" Come on Lets get busy!!" Aang blurted out looking hope full that these flyers would help substantially with the search.

Nami sighed as they all went out, Sokka and Toph went one way Katara another and Nami went off her self to the lower ring; she a pass she had so she was able to come back with no hassle.   Nami walked the streets asking shop keepers to take a flyer to hand it in the window; some did but other didn't Nami didn't mind that.

( Zuko X Reader ) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now