The distance between us - Chapter 25

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Nami stood in the courtyard starring at the sky. It was blue and clear, nami was struggling to calm herself. She felt so angry and sad.

Zuko was more distant from her in the past few weeks since they all had breakfast.

The gang head went to deal with some business about Republic city being built, it left Zuko and her with parents, nami felt hands touch her shoulders and she turned becoming defensive.

" wow its just me nami " Zuko said holding his hands up, he was dressed in his normal royal gown.

Nami said nothing turning away relaxing alittle she was still mad at him. Zuko took a step closer trying to place a hand on her shoulder but nami pulled away.

"Nami....please look at me " he said said taking a breath as he took both her shoulders to make her turn and look at him " nami !"

Nami's eyes met Zukos and they shared a moment of silence looking at one another. Nami took his hands off her and let them go.

" Zuko. Why should I listen to you. You have been ignoring me......I know Republic City is important to you. But we haven't had any time together at all " she said turning away holding back tears

" nami I know that....and please forgive me..... I want to spend time with you again when i can" Zuko said sighing

Zuko came closer to put his arms around her gently trying to comfort her. Zuko gently turned her head to the side to look at him as he came closer her kissed nami right on the lips ever so gently.

Zuko began to kiss her more and more until the both of them where facing one another kissing more passionately. Zuko brung nami to a small area leaning her back on to a tree kissing her more grabbing on to her brining her close.

The kissing and close them stopped at the sound of a man calling out for Zuko by his royal name of Fire Lord. Zuko stopped as he backed off standing before whispering to her.

" I promise. I will come back and we will continue " Zuko whispered before turning gracefully and walked back to the man talking to him a moment before walking off once again.

Nami waited by the pond on the grass, nami watched the turtle ducks swim around together with its mother staying near them due to nami being so close.

Nami waited for a long time until it was starting to get dark. Nami felt like Zuko was not coming and his promise was broken. Nami stood up looking around as she shivered slightly.

Nami was disappointed as she went back inside for a bath,after the relaxing bath she relaxed on the bed, a servant insisted to help with her hair; it didn't mind nami as she let the woman as she began to comb out her long brown hair.


Zuko was in the long meeting listening to the men making points and some arguing about some parts of the city that would not do.

"Enough....what, me, the avatar and his friends have we are having problems will be deeply investigated and altered if needed. " Zuko said strongly as he ended the meeting and left.

Zuko felt so stressed pinching the bridge of his nose until he walked over to his throne room to sit in another sitting with people to plan where the advancement of what part of the city was being started first.

By the time he was finished, Zuko looked out the window seeing how dark it was knowing nami must have left as he walked down to his room needing to relax.

He felt so guilty about leaving nami so long thinking about their relationship he knew it was hurting nami to be ignored. As he thought trying to come up with a idea to say sorry and spend time with her

A week later Zuko was in a break half way through the meeting. As the gang sat with them as sokka made a remark a moment ago making everyone but Zuko and katara laugh.

Katara looked at her brother " their is no time for jokes like th-" she stopped seeing Zuko look deep in thought before to toph spoke up

"Hey Zuko why so quite " toph said sitting up more

"No reason "he said " everything is fi-" Zuko got cut off by toph

"Your lieing Zuko" toph spoke up quite loud to make everything look at her then zuko

Zuko sighed looking frustrated "'s so problematic with all the meetings  and I can tell it's effecting my relationship with nami"  Zuko said holding the bridge of his nose.

Katara nodded looking concerned as did everyone else as they looked to one another.
Katara made a comment to aang, like he was trying to come up with a solution, as sokka thought while toph stayed quite

Sokka looked like he had an idea " why not stow away on a ship with her and go 'missing' for a few days you-" Sokka was cut off by katara hitting him with some water from her cup.

Katara sighed "well Zuko you and nami have been together a long time.  About a year and a half since the peace"

Aang nodded in agreement "katara right.  Nami really cares about you....she may be sad that you haven't spent time with her"

" maybe take some time off.....we can handle things from here.  Take a short vacation" toph said as everyone took amoment to look at toph

Zuko nodded "yea maybe it would be good "Zuko smiled thinking it was perfect

For a hour or two Zuko talked with aang and the gang about the ideas and decided on taking nami on a vacation to ember island for a week to spend time together.


Nami sat reading a book from the libary in her room before the a knock came on the door.  Nami answered it and was suprised to see Zuko 

" Z ...Zuko?!?!  What. ..what are you doing here.  Don't you have meetings on the new city" nami looked shocked he was here but Zuko ignored nami speaking and came closer and kissed nami gently.

Zuko explained to her the vacation idea, and begged nami for forgiveness.  Nami sighed looking at him sad but worried " but you need to promise taking the city plans will calm down to make time for your self and me "nami begged looking at him

Zuko took a moment to think as he sighed agreeing with what she asked as they shared a deep kiss.  Nami asked Zuko to stay the night in her room as he agreed and shared the bed together in a loving hug as they slept the distance between them had slowly shrunk.

They where trying their best to keep the distance between them small, only for some meeting than many in one day he would have one or two meetings.

The days to come Zuko was planning with nami to plan the trip to ember island and would leave the following day.   nami was happy that they could spend a long while together in two days.

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