Long time no see Zuko, Iroh - Chapter 2

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Iroh stated to empty a bag of shells on to the table, a variety of shapes size and colour all over the small coffee table.  Iroh was enchanted by the shells as he picked up one or two for a better look at them.

" look at these magnificent shells, ill enjoy these keep sakes, for years to come" Iroh he held up one large blue shell to look at it 

" we do not need any more useless things, you forget we have to carry everything our self's now" Zuko Protested 

"hello Bother........Uncle" Azula called out, she was sat on a chair as you stood beside her

  Iroh stood near the window with Zuko as they both looked at Azula and you, Shocked to see you both together and in the home they where in with out noticing you both for a short time.  Iroh  could see you look to the ground silently, he wondered why you where with her.

" What are you doing here," he said glaring at Azula then looked to you " and why are you with her"

" In my country we exchange a present hello,  Before asking questions....Have you become so uncivilised  Zu Zu" she stood up before walking over with you to stand in front of Zuko and  Iroh

When Azula walked over she held a shell she had picked up from the table before walking over.  you tired to look at  Iroh with a worried look, you couldn't speak, but when he looked at you seeing you where uncomfortable like something was bothering you.  he gave you a nod like to say ' theirs something wrong, and would be careful'

" Dont Call me that!" he yelled to his sister aggravated 

" to what do we owe this honor"  Iroh spoke up looking at Azula

" hmmm.....Must be a family trait, both of you so quick to get to the point" she squeezed the shell hard with her hand and nails to make it break and the pieces to shatter on the floor, when  Iroh gave her a stern look

" i come with a message from home, Fathers changed his mind.  family is suddenly so important to him.  he's heard rumours of plans to over throw him, Chartreuse plots.  Family is the only ones you really can trust." Azula looked away from their eyes " Father Regrets your banishment,...he wants you home" 

Azula looked to you for a moment " inst that right nami" you waited a moment before you wanted to reply composing you self " Yes, Azula speaks the t..truth"

Azula turned her attention to Zuko and  Iroh once again " Did you hear me? you should be happy, excited, grateful.  i just give you great news"

" im sure your brother simply needs a mo-"  Iroh wasent able to Complete his words when Azula Cut in " Do Not Interupt Uncle!!" she walked over beside Zuko speaking to him again

   Iroh took the time to take you away a little  just outside " Nami, this doesn't seem right, Ive never known my brother to be the forgiving type.....is this the truth"  you didn't speak to him at all with worry that Azula would hear you warn him

" Yes is is the Truth" you said to him but shook your head in the process so hopefully Azula would be fooled

   Iroh and you walked over to where Zuko and Azula was once again, Azula was just finishing up with him as she turned facing you and  Iroh. " ill come to call on you tomorow" she walked off a little " Come Nami" she said as you followed her back to the ship.

----  Later the next day  -----

Azula and you stood on the entrance ramp to the ship as they walked towards the two lines of guards on the docks, your cheeks flushed a slight red that he was going to be coming on the same boat,  but soon the blush faced seeing that he was not going be a good thing he was on the ship.

" Brother......Uncle  Welcome" they seemed to both Bow as Azula was speaking " i am so glad you both Decided to come"

"are we ready to depart, Princess" The captain asked in front of Zuko and  Iroh

" Set our Course for Home Captain"

" you heard the princess, Raise the anchor Were taking the Prisoners home" The captain a second later looked horrified at Azula he had made a really bad move.

   Iroh began to fight of the armored guards behind him as Zuko walked up pushing any guard out of his way towards Azula and you. 


"like I've never done that before" 

Azula smirked before motioning the  two guards beside her to fight as she walked away a bit as did you, Zuko ran up the ramp taking out the two armored guards and comeing for Azula and you.

------Zuko's POV-----

I was Angy, that was easy to see.  Azula and Nami lied to me.   I was about to attack Azula when her back was turned but Nami Turned to water bend at me using the water from the sea.  she blocked my attack on Azula before we where face to face with her.  Nami had water all up her arms to her shoulder and past her hand ready to fight. 

" Long time no see" I yelled at her but she didn't not speak only attacked as i did the same.

i heard My uncle Yelling out as he was fight on the docks.  I ignored his yells as I fought Nami, she was blocking any attacks i through at her, i didn't want to hurt her i only wanted to get to my sister. i got close enough when she was bending water attack once again.  she stopped on seeing fire heading to her and went to block but didn't have enough water and it sent her tumbling on the deck,  as Nami forced her self up all her hands to her elbows had very bad burns red and raw.

Before i had a chance to take a second Azula Sent blue flames my way as i blocked and she jumped in to attack me now. she blocked all my attacks and Azula pushed me back some as i panted for breath for a moment looking at Azula

" you know Father blames Uncle for the loss at the North pole and he considers you a miserable failure for not finding the Avatar...why would he want you back home.  except to lock you up where you no longer can embarrass him" Azula was being cold and now pressing my buttons again making me in mad again as i ran in to attack her once again

we where in a close combat as i had fire in like two daggers in each of my hands, Azula was blocking my attacks and got close enough to scratch my head with her nails.


You look up to see Zuko and Azula fighting as they both where on the angle of the Deck as Azula had her hand on Zuko's wrist as she was pushed  sending down to the level part before she was blue fire his way, he blocked it.  Azula then started to conduct some Blue lightning aiming it at Zuko, but before she shot it Iroh grabbed her fingers she was aiming and guiding it away before then throwing Azula in to the water below.

Iroh Had Stoped and Redirected Azula's Lighting it was amazing.

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