The un-expecting Meal - Chapter 21

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That night Leea was up in her home above the store with her.  Nami was smiling looking out a window, it was hard to think she was getting closer to her parents location; Nami felt scared as she held the windows edge.  what would they think about her, did they want her or maybe thats why they never came, they wanted nothing to do with her.
Leea came beside her handing Nami a cup of warm jasmine tea, It reminded her of Iroh how he loved that kind of tea " Don't worry, may i know your name?" Leea asked, it worried Nami not sure if she should give her own name or a fake name.

" My Name is Nami, thank you Leea for letting me stay.  i think i would be worse staying somewhere alone, being here makes me feel so alone as my friends are so far away on their own quest to find someone" Nami smiled looking at the tea it made her feel at ease that knowing Zuko was going to find his mother 

"I see, so you are on your own?" Leea smiled seeing Nami nod. she placed a arm around her trying to comfort the young girl, being so far away from home and her friends to find someone who could be here " you know yous name sounds different, not a Fire nation name"

" yes, since the Avatar defeated the fire lord i think saying my name isn't a danger, i am Nami born from a fire bender and a water bender" Nami looked at Leea and only smiled and she smiled back and both walked off to the kitchen to prepare some dinner.

Nami helped stir some hot water that was in a pot with her water bending, Leea was happy she believed that no nation had to live in fear anymore, people could travel or live and make a family in any nation.  
It was a quite dinner and Nami chatted for hours with Leea, she wanted to know what happened with Nami about her journey to this point.


Nami found her self in a bed after dinner, Leea also went to her bed but Nami was unable to sleep;  every moment that passed she felt more nervous than before.  Nami dressed her self and got up to open the window and jump out to go on a walk so she would not wake Leea.
 Nami felt so guilty taking Leea's hospitality, a woman so kind letting her stay, feeding her and helping her to get a lead on her parents location. she made sure she was wrapped up in her water bending clothes that was warmer for the cold and a scarf that had a side hanging down to about her butt.

 she made sure she was wrapped up in her water bending clothes that was warmer for the cold and a scarf that had a side hanging down to about her butt

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Nami looked at the large moon in the distance, she wraped her arms around her sides as she walked on.  No one was in the streets, but she continued to walk until
In the distance a shadow of a man looking to be puffing like they had been running everywhere,  the shadow only stood for a moment before coming closer to her reaching a hand out when he got closer to her. 

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