"Well...I have a room here now....with um Rowan...I will explain everything when we get there."


"But I just do understand," I said while tying up her new dress. "Rowan is a good man," I explained to Chelsea as she pulled away from me, sighing and pacing their large room. Not as large as Sirus and I's...but large.

"He is a royal," she stated, as she dropped her dress in front of me. Exposing herself. I could not look away. She was beautiful. Her body was amazing...compared to mine. Not to mention her hair. I felt like an ugly rodent compared to her. If Sirus was to see her naked...I bet you Rowan and him would be fighting. "Royals are evil." My eyes lingered on her hips that had dark blue bruises on them. As mine did...when Sirus had taken me on our wedding night...

"Has he forced you? I am sure it runs in their beastality to treat women like such," I said, thinking that maybe that was why she did not like him. That was on the niche on the long belt of reasons why I did not care for Sirus.

"No," she said hotly. "Rowan is nothing compared to Sirus and I would appreciate if you not mention that. Rowan and Sirus are very different men. Nothing like each other actually," she snapped as I watched her shimmy into her dress. "Just because you have had a bad experience with a beast does not mean you can categorize them all as bad."

I could not believe her. "You just grouped all royals into a category of evil, Chelsea. You aren't being fare. I am a royal, am I evil?" I think taking her lashings for her is more than kind enough. Even though I would never say that to her.

Chelsea sighed, rubbing her face with her hands. "I just do not know what to do! I do not want this. Rowan is kind, but-"

"-Have you two had intercourse?" I asked before she looked at me with rising eyebrows. I felt my cheeks redden.

"I-I'm sorry...I-"

"It is fine...your highness. Um...well yes. We have it was...it kind of just happened and now well I do not know. He always stares at me as if he wants to....-"

"-Rip your clothes off?" I asked as she laughed and nodded her head. How could she find this funny? Maybe....she enjoyed being with Rowan. Some people enjoyed being with their....spouses. I did not.

"Yes...but I need to go out...to my village. Rowan vowed to kill the witch who helped me keep my scent a secret. She is a good woman, Esmerelda. I cannot have her killed," she explained. "But Rowan is constantly having guards surround me."

I could not relate. Guards have always been apart of my life. But she seemed very concerned. "Maybe...you could talk to King Sirus. He is sure to get in your good graces...you could ask him if I could take you on a tour of the kingdom-"

"-We could run from the guards and find your friend," I interrupted her as she nodded her head enthusiastically. "But...how am I supposed to get him to...say yes?"

Chelsea gave me a wary look. "Convince him...Intercourse is not an option?"

I gave her a horrified look. "No, that is out of the question. I will never do that again with him," I said firmly as Chelsea sighed, and began to pace.

"Does he touch you at all? Just little small touches. I hear a lot from the maids. They disrobe easily for the guards," she whispered as my eyes widened. I think the maids at my....old kingdom and new kingdom...have the same things in common. "Distract him with your body while you ask questions. That seems to work with men." 

"Well...he waits for me to finish bathing and for the maid to help me dress before coming in to sleep."

She stared at me as if I was insane. "King Sirus....King Sirus does that?" I nodded.

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