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A/N: Here you all go! Thank you for your lovely messages, by the way.

I confess - I didn't think much of this through. Writing this was a blur. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

And to my friends here, forgive me for not replying. I still haven't the strength to talk to people, to be frank. I love you guys, though.

For Susan, Emma, Cristina, and Precious.

"There you are," Thomas sat on the end of Hope's bed as you put your sneakers on. "I brought Hope to Caleb's already."

You nodded. "Caleb's mother was very nice to offer to take care of Hope while we go out."

"Yeah. She's one of Ava's friends here, she's really nice."

Before you went out on your date, Thomas told you to put comfortable clothes on. Following Thomas' example having chosen board shorts and a button-down shirt, you settled for leggings and a blouse.

He was very secretive about where he was taking you. Even as you were in the car, Thomas was mostly silent, occasionally giving you half-smiles as he pushed his sunglasses up.

You stared at Thomas curiously as he pulled over at the airport. He motioned for you to wait inside the car as he stepped out gracefully, shaking hands with a man presumably from the airport. He patted the man swiftly on the back before he opened the passenger door for you while the man walked away.

"You're bringing me into your drug dealing sideline?" you joked, straightening your blouse.

"Oh, I can be stealthy if I need to." He winked at you after he hung his sunglasses on his collar.

"Where are we going?" you sighed, a warning tone wavering in your voice.

"Someplace." He responded with nonchalance, taking your hand.

He entered one of the gates to a scheduled flight. You tugged on his arm warily.

"We don't have bags or anything, Tom,"

"You underestimate me." He sighed. "already dealt with, sweetheart."

You nodded, gripping his arm, trying to look for a sign of where the plane was headed. Thomas noticed your nerve.

"Hey, you," he nudged you gently. "Relax, okay? Trust me. This is all about you. Just sit back and let me do what I'm supposed to."

You nodded reluctantly.

He led you to the middle row of the plane, letting you take the window seat.

After ten minutes of suspense and anticipation, someone spoke through the intercom.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Flight 4B7 with service from London to Venice. We are currently first in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately two minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Enjoy your flight."

"Venice," you breathed, incredulous.

"Mhmm." Thomas took your hand. "I thought you could stand to see more of Europe. You've only been to London."

"This is unnecessary," you muttered, resting your head on his shoulder "Venice... that's a honeymoon destination – not a suitable date night... place." you finished lamely.

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