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A/N: Would you like updates on my imagines? Follow me on Twitter (bloodytbs_)!

DISCLAIMER: There are mild mentions of attempts of rape and drugging drinks in this chapter. I do not support them in any shape or form. I don't wish to romanticize any of them.

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It was a silent, breezy night for the remainder of the meal. Hope was mingling with one of Thomas' neighbor's kids, leaving you and Thomas in an awkward air after his oath to you.

"This is delicious, Thomas, thank you for taking us here." You smiled shyly in an attempt to make the tension dissolve. The waiter, whom he thanked silently, had then brought the bill he'd asked for to him. He opened the book, keeping a straight face as he reached for his wallet.

"It's expensive, isn't it?" You attempted to reach for the leather book that held the bill, but he took it away from your reach.

"Ah ah ah," he pursed his lips then smiled with his eyes. "I told you I'll take care of you. Let me take care of you. Both of you."

You raised your hands up in mock surrender. "Okay."

Thomas sighed as he slipped the money in the book, putting it away. "Listen, Y/N... as much as I want to pick up from where we started, I think it's best if we go slow."

You nodded. "Yeah. Me, too. We're different people – I get it. We have to get to know each other again."

He nodded. "How's work?"

"It's alright. My boss is looking to promote me to editor in chief within the next few months."

He smiled. "I'm so proud of you, love." Then he knit his brows in confusion. "What was wrong with your old job? Last time we... spoke, you were getting pretty good raises."

Your head began spinning.

One name dominating your thoughts.


He was a good friend and your partner in almost everything. You presented the best article ideas together, been each others' dates when necessary, and he even watched over Hope while you caught some extra hours of sleep. Matt, your older brother, wanted him for you.

But one night, at his best friend Jacob's party, he persuaded you to try a few nice drinks he likes. It tasted sweet, mostly, so you downed a lot of it, but you gradually felt the room getting hazier and hazier – and all you remembered was almost being pulled into a room, someone pulling you away from the firm grip that pulled you in, and shouting. Lots of it.

Matt and Jacob were high school friends – and to say the least, Matt didn't like what Jacob turned into. He didn't trust him, or the party. He trusted Paul,though, but he tailed just in case anything dodgy happens.

And that it did.

You knew you'd never hear the end of this as Matt carried you to his car and drove you to his place. "Hope..." you slurred, feeling nauseated.

"She's with Ava," he said through his teeth, infuriated with you still.

"You left her with my ex's sister?"

"Just because her brother's a jerk doesn't mean she's not trustworthy. In fact, she very much is trustworthy. Give her time with her niece. Thomas doesn't know anything about this anyway. And stop talking to me. I'm still mad at you."

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