Chapter 9

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Melissa's POV
It's been a few days since I had told him what happened. Surprisingly he didn't get mad. He understood me, though he was slightly upset about me not telling him about this issue. I don't know what's with me.

I feel good when I'm with him. He's just so different. I don't know what's happening. I think I think I'm falling for him.

He just cares for me so much. I really like him. But I bet he doesn't feel the same, though he said those encouraging words, I still knew that he would never like me. I'm 100% sure that he doesn't like me, he only pitied me. Sigh why did my life had to be like this.

Why couldn't my life be normal, like everyone else's. By now tears were glistening out of my eyes. I don't deserve Tristan. As if on cue, someone rang the doorbell.

I opened it and saw Tristan dressing like his usual." Are you done checking me out?" I laughed while tears still shine in my eyes. When he saw that I was crying, he asked me what's wrong. I didn't want to tell him so I shook my head." Come on Melissa you can tell me anything."

I gathered up my courage and told him while stuttering," I-I'm sorry. I-I'm not good enough for you a-and you only helped me-me because you pi-pitied me." I finished off while crying. Tristan came over to me and kissed me on the forehead." Melissa when will you get it that I never pitied you.

You are an amazing person. If anything, I'm not good enough for you." He said while playing with my hair. I blushed. No one has ever said that too me. I'm so thankful to have someone like Tristan.

Tristan stood up and said," Tell you what, since your so special I'm gonna take you out to have some fun. Alright?" My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and nodded my head excitedly. As we drove I kept on asking him where we're going to go to but he just kept saying that it's a surprise. I pouted.

I hated surprises they always make me wait. I huffed and before I knew it, I was there. Well, that wasn't too bad. I was so excited. Then I looked at my surroundings and saw that he had taken me to the carnival. Every thing felt so magical. I squealed in excitement.

This is so going to be fun. I took him to the first stall I saw. It was the ring toss stall. I looked at the prizes and saw that it was so cute. I stared at the dolls with adoration. They were so cute. I immediately told Tristan that I wanted to play here. After many tries I finally gave up. It was too hard. So, I let Tristan try it.

After three tries he got it in. To say I was shocked was an understatement. He was so good at it. I was amazed by his skills. As I snapped out of my daze I decided to start choosing my doll. There were so many selections. There was a pig, a lion, a bunny, a dog... That's when I finally made up my mine. So I got a bunny doll. It was so cute.

It was so much fun. As the sun started to set, the carnival was about to close so I went on the last ride, the Ferris wheel. When we got in the ride, he spoke up," I had a lot of fun today. Remember you shouldn't think of yourself like that." He hugged me when we went at top of the Ferris wheel.

The hug was so warm that I never wanted to leave. His embrace was so comfortable. The days that I've been with Tristan has changed me. He changed me into a better and stronger person which is why I love him for who he his. I tightened the embrace, he is so precious to me.

When I got home that night. I had this smile placed on my face. I was so happy that words can't describe what I'm feeling.

Tristan's POV
Why am I even waiting for her. There are so many girls out there that would agree to date me. Because you like her. My sub conscious said. I sighed knowing that my inner self was right. But I know she doesn't like me. I mean why would she. I'm just a typical jock.

Just as I was spacing out, my phone rang. Which snapped me out of my daze. I looked at the callerID and saw that it was Collin my friend calling so I answered," What's up bro." I said." Well, there's this chick that I like and I asked her out but she said she wanted it to be a double date. So could you come with me man."

He said. I thought about it for a while and said yes. I mean I really gotta get Melissa off my mind. There's no way she would like me. I ended the call and sighed. If only she would feel the same way. But I'm just a friend to her.

Hey guys! I hope you like it. I'm so thankful for all the reads I got. By the way there's this good song I would like to recommend a song by Gfriend( a Korean group) called the way

And a song called just a friend to you by Meghan Trainor

I hope you enjoy it! Do you think Tristan will forget all about Melissa when he goes on his double date? Or will he and Melissa finally get together? Why did Brandon want to take Melissa to the hospital? What is he planning to do? Tune in next time to find out!

" You are so annoying. You are pathetic. I can't believe I agreed to this!" And with that I left. I never want to see her face again.

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