Chapter 1

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Melissa's POV
"Melissa! Wake up you're going to be late for school" as mom shouted out loud at the top of her lungs from downstairs. As I slowly started to get up, I made a loud and obnoxious moan.

It's always like this every single day except for weekends that is. Actually, you may think that I am perfect, but I'm not. I have very low self esteem and I am known as the ugly duckling in the family. 

My sister is perfect in every way.  She is tall, beautiful and the top of her class academically.  She has guys flocking at her feet...sigh, how I wish that could be me.  Oh yeah, did I mention that she is a world top model?  My parents were top models as well back in those days.  She gave all the good genes to my sister and I obviously I got all the defective genes.

I have extremely high expectations of myself that is why I always feel like I am not good enough for my family and friends. This is why, I suffer from depression and insomnia. I looked at myself in the mirror with a look of disgust. I hated being the ugliest one in my family. I truly feel like a loser who is worthless and always does everything wrong.

I am what they call a "Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde. I hide my true feelings in front of my parents and those who know me. My parents always think that I am this happy go lucky girl that is so carefree. Boy, I sure fooled them.

As I finished eating breakfast I headed out the door to go to school. The place I hate most.
When I arrived at school, I met up with my so called friend "Sophie". She never suspects that I have this low self-esteem problem and I'd like to keep that way. I may suffer from this anxiety problem, but you know what, I still have "friends". "Hey! Mel how is your day going?" Sophie asks." "It's fine, I replied." Every single day is always the same.

"That's great Mel, hey, I've gotta run to class now... see ya!" I often wonder why school hours were always so long? Why couldn't we just go to school for two hours from Monday to Friday? When the last school bell rang, I gave a big sigh of relief.

Not only was school finished, I didn't see my enemy #1 Clair. Why do I hate her so much? She is the one person that discourages me. She always says that I am a let down and a disappoint to my family. I shrug it off like I don't care, but deep inside, I am crying.

When I got home, I always had a smile on my face for my mom. When I ran upstairs and reached my room it was a different story. When I get to my room all the emotions that I have been holding in comes out all at once.

I always wish that I am pretty like my supermodel parents and sister, but sadly I'm not. I quickly finished my homework and then ran downstairs for dinner. Sitting at the dinner table I spaced out, but not before wishing that I was a perfect daughter.

Hey guys! Not sure if this chapter was too short or not. Please comment on what you think of the story. I promise that I will try to make it longer. So, how do you like it so far? Just to let you know how I got the idea from, I was inspired by a song called beneath your beautiful by Labrinth you should listen to it. It is so good.

Beneath your beautiful ✔️ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now