Chapter 3

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Tristan's POV
When I got out of class, I started looking for the girl that I bumped into. I started searching and that's when I found her slowly yet still looking sad.

That's when I walked up to her and said hi to her, but she was too dazed out to hear me or notice me. I walked out of the door and followed her out and noticed that it was raining. I quickly offered a ride, she was hesitant but finally excepted.

Melissa's POV
I can't believe Tristan offered me a ride. I thought that after the incident he would never talk to me again. I was so surprised. He was so nice, other boys would have never done that especially Brandon my ex.

He always discourages me. No wonder no one ever likes me. I'm a horrible person probably to some people even a nuisance. While we were in the car, he asked me" Why are you so sad, a pretty girl like you shouldn't cry." " I'm not pretty." I simply said.

I don't understand him, what's wrong with him. Maybe he has some defected eye problem cause there is no way I'm beautiful. I was about to ask him when he interrupted me saying that I am pretty.

Sigh I guess there was no use in arguing with him, he won't understand any ways. When we arrived at my house I opened my door and said" Thanks for the ride." But before I could walk into my house, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

I was shocked. Before I could say anything, he brought his finger right to my lips and shushed me. What he did next was completely out of the blue. He hugged me and said," You know it's ok you can cry.

I see it in your big round innocent eyes. You don't need to cover it up because I can see right through you. You may think that I just met you but I doesn't matter because everything is going to change. I will be there when you need me. So, cry. I won't judge you." I helplessly started crying.

Silent tears that I have held up for years all bursts out at the same time. I started hiccuping hysterically. Never in my life has someone notice me so much. To say I was stunned is an understatement. When I stopped crying, I brought Tristan into my house to talk about it and as usual my parents were on their trip for their modelling career.

I took him to the living room and we sat on the couch. There was a silence between us. Until I finally said" I'm sorry for getting your shirt stained." " It's fine" he said. "But why me I'm nothing but a useless pathetic loser.

Why not other people who are much more better than me? " I said. I really don't understand. " You are beautiful and most definitely not pathetic. I want to help you because...well there are lots of reasons. I want to help you because you are different and special you are one of a kind. You may not see it now but you are.

You can't let people tell you who you are and who you are to be," He said while caressing my cheek." So tell me why are you like this? Who made you like this?" He asked curiously. I didn't know how to answer I have never been to this kind of approach before." I can't tell you. I'm sorry." I said silently." You know you are very mysterious. You always hide everything from everyone but you don't fool me. I can see right through you. You can't lie to me. I can read you like a book. You build walls thinking that you can hide in them forever but no matter what you will always be found." He whispered into my ear.

Which sent shivers down my spine. "I'm going to be the one to do that no matter what it takes." He said." You can try but you won't be able to do it." I said. But he just replied me with a raised eyebrow.

After he left my house, I fell on top of my bed I thought about what he said. Would he really be able to find out the truth of me? That night I kept tossing and turning thinking about him.

It's something about him. Every time I see him my heart flutters. I don't know why. He keeps on trying to talk to me but I won't let him. A guy like him shouldn't be talking to me. After a while, I finally fell asleep and into a deep slumber.

Sophie's POV  You totally didn't expect her right😬
I always thought there was something off about Melissa. Not that she's odd or anything. It's the fact that she isn't always happy like one minute she would be having a good time and the next minute when I see her alone she's like crying in the corner of the girls bathroom but she never talks about it.

Sometimes I feel like that were not even friends. I feel like I barely know her. So that's why I give up. I am not going to act like nothing is wrong. I going to start questioning her. I just wish she could tell me.

We have been friends since the first day of high school. I remember in the beginning her smiles were genuine but now I'm not even sure. I question those smiles I see everyday. I don't know why she hides it from me. She is my best friend and I would do anything to help her out.

Hey guys! How is it so far? Please comment. What do you think Sophie will do? What does Tristan have in stored for Melissa? How is Tristan going to get Melissa to open up? Will he really be able to break down Melissa's walls? Tune in to see next time.

He did it. He broke down one of my walls. But I have to be cautious what if he backstabs me. But, I don't know what's wrong with me every time I talk to him, I get butterflies in my stomach. Could it be? Do I really like him?

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