CH.56: Not Feeling Well

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I let Olivia sleep while I go talk to my mum about what's going to happen.

"What's going to happen now?" I asked my mum as I enter the room.

"I'm sorry. I tried explaining it to him and forcing him. He can't do anything."

What the hell?! How can he not do anything? I promised that I won't let her go back there. How am I suppose to do that now?

"So, then that's it? You're giving up?" I said.

"I know you want to save her, but some things you got to let go. It's not that I'm giving up, it's just nothing else can help. I'm sorry."

I pulled the roots of my hair. I cant let her go that easily.

"If you don't, she will get in big trouble and so will all of us. You need to bring her before tomorrow morning." Mum said.

"What am I going to say to her? That I gave up? That I can't be her hero? What am I suppose to say mum?" I said.

She shrugged and said, "I'm sorry."

I grabbed a water bottle and left.

I don't know how to explain this to Olivia. I mean, maybe I can stay down there until things get comfortable with her. Until she feels safe. The problem is, I don't know how long that will be and I'll be staying at a hotel until that time comes.

I open my bedroom door and see Olivia waking up.

"Hey. Did you find out what's going to happen to me?"

"Uh, yeah."

She waited for my answer, but I wasn't ready to give her one.

"My mum said that there isn't anything they can do. You have to stay there until the month is up." I said.

She just nodded and looked everywhere, except at me.

As I see her thinking, I see her loosing her color. Her face getting whiter by the minute.

"I don't feel good." She finally says.

As I walked up to her, she pushes me and runs out of my room. i follow her and see her throwing up in the bathroom toliet.

I rubbed her back and held her dirty blonde wavy hair. When she stopped, she looked at me.

She was going to say something, but I stopped her.

"Don't. Go rinse off your mouth and lay down on my bed. I'll be there in a minute." I said.

She nodded in agreement and went to the sink to rinse off.

I went downstairs and looked through the medicine cabinet to find something for Olivia.

As I turned around to go upstairs, Gemma walked through the door.

She looked at me and I just kept walking. She stopped me in my tracks.

"What's wrong?" Gemma asked.

"Nothing. Olivia isn't feeling well."

"Is it something she ate?"

"No it's something I said."

Gemma crossed her arm's.

"Nothing. Now let me go give her these pills." I said walking past her.

I came into my room to see Olivia in a fetus position on my bed.

She looked at me and began to cry.

"Please stop thinking about it. It's hurting me."

"Hurting you? It's hurting you?!" She said.

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