CH.34: I'll Support You

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Harry pased back and forth in his room. He finally stopped and bend down to my eye level.

"Enough of what I think. What do you think about this whole thing?" he asks.

"I don't know what to think of it. I don't want to leave this family. I grew to each one of you guys. Anne as a mom, Gemma as a sister, and you as my best friend. I can't just throw it all away. But,then, I don't want to have every one's life change because of me. It cost way more to have me here, then to go to a different home. Even if I do stay,nothing between us can happen. I'm just confused and I don't know what to do."

Tears came down my face. My head and heart hurts from all of this thinking.

Harry embraced me into a hug and says, "What ever you do, I will support you."

But that's the part that hurts. I need someone to help me make this decision. Yes, I do need support, but I also want to know his feelings towards this.

"What do you feel?" I ask sobbing.

He takes a deep breath and looks into my brown eyes.

"I want you here with me. I want to hold you and kiss you and tell you how much I love you. I want to wake up with knowing you are here. Besides all of that, I want you to be happy."

"I want the same thing. I want you with me. I love you."

He kissed my head and mumbled, "I love you more."

"Can I talk to Anne? I need a mom right now." I asked.

"I tell her to come here." He said while walking away.

Anne comes in shortly after with her arms open. I hug her ba k and just cry in her arms.

"I don't know what to do." I sob on her shoulder.

"I know, love. I know."

I sob some more and say, "I can't decide."

"Just know that we are here for you for whatever one you pick. We will make changes if you come with us. If not, we will vist a bunch in New York."

"I want to stay here, but there are so many cons that I don't want anyone to deal with."

"Like what?"

"Well for one, I don't want to pressure you into welcoming me and moving for me. All of the memories in this house will be go e because of me. Another thing is that me and Harry will be nothing. The 'I love you' won't exist anymore. Gemma will need to share her mirror in the bathroom and have to deal with my hormonal days."

"I don't want this to change your mind, but just hear me out." Anne says.

"Don't worry about us not welcoming you because you will always will be. The house is to tiny for my teenage children, so the moving was going to happen anyway. Harry will still be with you, just not in a way you guys want."

"But, that's the thing. Either way, me and Harry are done." I say.

"Maybe we can hide your relationship? I mean, who would know besides us?" Anne says.

"And Gemma?"

"Oh please. Gemma was head over heels when she heard you were staying. She finally has a sister in the house. She even said it in the note." Anne says smiling.

"You don't mind if I stay?"

"Of course not." Anne says moving a peice of my hair behind my ear.

I smile and hug her tightly.

Maybe my Christmas isn't ruined after all.

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