CH.16: Style Residents?

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Our dinner was amazing. We were driving back home from the restaurant, when Harry blurted out,

"I'm sorry to do this but, I have a huge test tomorrow and I really need to study."

"It's fine. Go and study."

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I'll catch up on my shows. Study and ace your test." I said smiling.

He held my hand and kissed me.

We were home and Harry gave me one last kiss before heading up to his room to study.

I sat on the living room couch and turned on the TV.

I was starting to fall asleep, when I heard someone barg into the house.


At first I thought it was Gemma or Anne, but it wasn't. The voice was deep and muscular.

I peeked my head up and saw a man looking directly at me with bloodshot eyes. This man looks a lot like Harry. Maybe it's because I just woke up.

"Hello." the man said slurred with an accent.

"Um, hi." I said.

"Is this the Styles' residence?" he asked looking around.

Oh shoot. I forgot I wasn't suppose to be here. This man is Hank, Harry's dad.

"Um, I guess."


"Oh no sir. I'm not Gemma."

"Not you. Her." he slurred pointing to someone behind me.

I turned around and saw Gemma completely frozen.

"Wait." he said stumbling near us.

"If you are Gemma, who are you?"

"I'm just a friend." I said scared.

He chuckled and said, "Well duh."

He came stumbling closer to us and we both backed up.

Before he could do anything, Anne came in. She stopped in, also, complete shock.

"Well well well. Looks like we got all the ladies here to actually start a party. All we need is Harry here and it'll be just like the old days." he slurred laughing.

Anne looked at both of us and said, "Both of you upstairs."

"No stay." he says.

I grabbed Gemma and ran upstairs. Before I could take a step I felt Hank grab my wrist and squeezed it tight. I yelped in pain, but yanked it back.

We ran upstairs. I didn't know where else to go besides Harry's.

I opened the door and slammed it shut locking it after. Harry turned his desk chair to see me and Gemma crying and panting. He stood up and ran to us.

"What the hell happened?" He asked.

I looked at Gemma and she just shook her head.

"Your dad is here." I said quietly.

Anger rushed threw him. I went to cover my wrist with my other hand to make sure Harry doesn't see it, but I cried at the pain.

Harry looked at me and looked down to where I cried to. Harry softly lifted up my hand to see it.

He looked back up to me and asked, "Did he do this?"

I nod and cry. I looked at it myself and saw it swelled up and purple.

Harry opened up the door, but Gemma stopped him.

"Mum said not to go down there."

"Is she down there?!"

Gemma didn't respond and said, "You need to stay up here."

"No! I'm not going to let him f**king hurt her and rape her again! I need to stop this!" Harry said slamming the door open.

Gemma quickly followed and so did I.

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