Chapter 5

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Once the call was ended Malcolm stood up and brushed off his oants even thiugh there was nothing to sweep off. "Well... lets go!"

Malcolm headed off and out of the small inn room with me trailing behind. I was still awestruck at the prospect of getting a horse. I had only ridden one a couple of times when I was five, a hear before the downfall of Atka.

I shook my head clearing the thoughts from it. I took this chance to observe the nice part of Spruga that had been hidden from me these past three years. The buildings were all brightly painted and had intact windows with goods of all kinds. One store on my left had fancy candies that cost more than me. The next one down was just as strange to me with its colorful extravagant dresses that were made from enough fabric to last me years. One after another shops upon shops suprised me with their goods that had been a fantastical dream to vermin like me. Malcolm noticed my shock at all of the many goods on display and commented, "Woukd you like to go inside? You seem awful fascinated."

I shook my head no. "I wouldn't be able to keep my emotions under control."

"No one would judge you for being excited Isabelle."

"No. That's not it. It's hard for me, just a vermin from the streets to see the riches and comfort these people take for advantage. One dress from that shop could have made decent clothes for atleast 10 of us. Also, you guys eat fancy chocolates just for fun while we strave to death. You fret about breaking a nail while we hide under boxes hoping not to get an infection in our injurys. Not just any injury though, gunshot wounds, broken bones, swollen eyes from the beatings."

I turned away from Malcolm. He wouldn't understand the horrors of living in the streets. I started to walk towards the horse stable with Malcolm trailing behind.


I peered over the gate separating me and the horses for sale. There were all sorts if shade and sizes, each one having its own specialty. The chubby old man that owns them was listing off the names and what they were best for when I spotted her. In the very back was a tall black horse with a matching mane. She stood away from the others and her eyes had a gray tint to them. I tapped the old man in the shoulder to get his attention. "Hmm? Miss has one caught your eye?"

"Yes. What is the one in the corners name? I quite like her."

"I'm sorry Miss but he might be a bit to difficult for your skill level. Now what about this one over in the middle with the black spots. He's quite a loo-"

"What is the black horse's name?"

"Her name is Caia. As I was saying the horse in the middle is quite the looker. He wou-"

"Listen old man. Tell me what makes Caia so difficult to ride and stop blabbering on about the horse with the spots!"

After Malcolm was done spewing apologies and claiming I had not been trained in the arts if being a lady yet. I don't really care about being a lady. Pouring tea, wearing fancy dresses, and making boring conversation with stuck up rich people? Bleh. Manners could go to hell. I want that horse.

The old man dismissed Malcolm with a wave of his hand before turning back to me. "Caia wasn't treated well under her previous owners. She and let anyone get near her since he got her. No one can tame her. I will have to kill her at this rate."

I chuckled at his words. Even from just one look it was easy to tell Caia wasn't about to be tamed.

I swung my leg over the iron gate and in with all of the horses. The old man panicked and began to lead all if the horses out into another pen. Once they were all lead out and Malcolm had stopped yelling, I approached Caia with both confidence and caution. I knew a thing or two about not being treated right.

As I approached Caia who was the only horse left in the stable she remained perfectly still. While others may see this as a good sign I knew better. If you held still and appeared afraid then you could catch the other off guard.

Once I was about five feet away I spoke in a soft voice. Saying, "Hello there Caia. You have a beautiful mane," and other things meant to keep her from running. I did not move any closer, but instead waited for Caia to come to me. It felt like years before she took a step closer. I cheered inside my head trying not to move and scare the horse.

Finally, she took another step and another one and another step. Caia was now about an inch farther away than arms length. I decided t was time to move. I kept repeating the same phrases and I slowly moved my arm upwards. I left it there in mid air waiting fir her to either bite my hand or cuddle with it.

She leaned forward and sniffed my hand. I didn't move a muscle. Caia took a step back and look me in the eye as to challenge me. She then got a bit lower to the ground to make it easier for me to get on. I could see the old man holding his breath along with Malcolm. They seemed to think I had won the horse already. No. I still had to prove myself to her.

I look the horse in her eyes and spoke softly, "So that's how it's going to be. Bring it on."

I climbed on to her back backed. Caia rose upwards and began a steady trot around in a circle. She tried to make it seem like she liked me, most likely a plot to catch me off guard when she attempted to buck me off. All it did though was make me hold on tighter.

Suddenly, Caia took off in a full speed sprint. At first I almost lost my hold. Almost. Gradually I adjusted to the speed. Before I could fully master it she stopped. I lurched forward in her back. I chucked and whispered I her ear, "Nice try but you're going to have to try harder than that."

This battle continued for what felt like ages before Caia seemed to realize I wasn't giving up anytime soon.

I smirked with triumph and yelled over to where Malcolm and the old man were standing. "I want this one!"

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