Chapter 3

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This is written in Malcolm's POV. I will change it when I edit this story
I paced around the inn room that I had rented. It was a decent place but I didn't really notice. Thoughts clouded my mind about the up coming Choosing. I knew there wasn't anything to worry about. Every single citizen was required to come, even prisoners. I would  find him or her.

Taking on last glance at the strange dot on the map I headed out. The Choosing ceremony wasn't for a hour and I couldn't stay cooped up in my room any longer.

Spruga was a nice place. With all sorts of different buildings and people it was a strange little hub. The cobblestone streets that clashed with the mountain walls but that was what gave Spruga its charm. The only true downfalls it had were the wetness and the slums. Every city had their slums but Spruga's were especially large.

I walked around just gazing at all the different wares on display. I could feel people staring at me up it couldn't be help. It wasn't every day you saw a Knight. I wasn't in heavy armor was rather a light set meant for traveling. My sword hung in its sheath from my hip. Dark curls hung slightly in my face as my green eyes scanned for anything interesting.

I spotted a rather large building a couple streets down. It didn't have any large windows with goods on display and looking closer I could see that it had iron bars on the windows. It must be a jail of some sort except I had studied the map over and over again as to familiarize myself with the town and this was not marked as one. I focused letting myself blend into my surroundings. Simple stealth magic. I crept up to the building and peered in a window. I could have easily just asked but I had no reason to be here other than curiosity. Inside was a mass of kids, all of them clearly homeless. Their clothes were torn, bones were visible, and the stench was horrible.

In the corner sat one girl who didn't seem to be socializing with any of them other kids. Her hair was matted with dirt but you could still see  that it was very pale. Her skin, even though she would have spent her days outside, was also very pale. Looking as if the dirt wasn't there I could see everything about her was pale. Even her eyes. They were like a gray storm cloud ready to strike. The only difference was that you can read a storm cloud, no what it brings whether it rain or lighting. I couldn't get any sort of read on her. She was a blank slate to me.

She looked up and looked eyes with me.  That shouldn't be possible. When I had stealth magic activated then no one could see me unless they were a master of dark magic. This girl couldn't possibly be a master. The only way that would be possible is if she was Atkian and they were wiped out years ago. The unlucky few that survived were given the best treatment since it was the old king, Bradley, that ordered them to be wiped out. He was killed afterwards and his son determined to fix things started with giving the Atkian the best treatment.

I climbed down and headed back to the inn. Stealth magic takes a toll on a person unless you were born with it. Once I was a little ways away from the jail I let go of the spell making myself visible. Instantly people began to flock towards me and ask me to sign things. I just kept walking Darin was more of a people person than I was.

Once I was back into the safety of my room I collapsed onto the single bed and fell asleep.

I was awaken by a knock on my door. The inn keepers voice sounded in through the door. "Sir it's time for The Choosing."  I groaned pulled my self from the comfort of the bed. I stood up and fixed my hair in the small mirror. I walked to the door and headed out. A horse waited for me outside of the inn. My horse of course. Onyx was truly a beauty with his pure black mane and coat he was a force to be reckoned with. No one was able to ride him except me.

I swung into him without a saddle before starting the trek into the city center. People flocked out of the streets following me. As we entered the city center it was a sight to see. A stage was set up on the west side of the square. A large bowl was set up on the stage with every citizens name that qualified. We would go through them till we found someone worthy of being a knight. They would came up into the stage and grasp the Sword of Truth. Then the selected would be required to try and use a spell while holding the sword. If they could then they were the one.

I rode up to the stage and disembarked Onyx and headed up on the stage. The mayor of Spruga gave a speech before passing it off to me. I reached into the bowl. "Hugo Tusn." And it began.

After an hour of pulling out names and repeating the process with every single person I was to say the least tired. I needed a change and noticed that the kids from the jail were in the back of the square. The pale girl was with them. I called out, "Let the children in the back come up. Surely some of them must qualify."

The shock in the guards faces was very clear. "Did I stutter? Bring those that qualify up to the stage!" Slowly all of the street kids that were in the proper age group began to make their way up. The guards didn't dare stop them.  All of the citizens were in utter shock. The vermin were going to be included in The Choosing. This was unheard of.

I was pleased to see the pale girl that seemed to see me earlier was one of the few heading up. Once they reached the stage I patted the on the head as they lined up. It hurt to see them flinch. Once I reached the pale girl I froze as she spoke. "Nice to see you invisible man." She has seen me. That should be impossible. I stared at her before tearing myself away.

I began to work my way down the row. Most of the kids didn't even know how to possibly cast a spell. It was a heartbreaking sight since magic was one of the basic principles taught in school showing their lack of education.

I reached the pale girl. "What is your name girl?" She laughed and replied. "I don't see why it matters to you."

"Well if you end up becoming the next knight then it would be good if I knew your name."

"Fine then. I'll tell you after I pass your stupid test."

With a determined look on her face the girl wrapped her bony hand around the Sword of Truth's handle and lifted it like it was nothing. She then pointed it at bottle lying in the street. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She gulped before opening her eyes. Suddenly a blast a puppeteer strings came out of the weapon and destroyed the bottle. She smirked before looking me straight in the eyes and saying, "Name's Isabelle."

Sorry if the chapters feel rushed. I have certain events in my head that I want to get to but I can't till all the little things are out of the way so yeah.

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