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They all stood assembled in the vast throne room in full glory. It was truly a sight to behold. All five knights of the King 's Army stood each in their respective armor suits.

On the far left was Gorith of the Earth.  He had a mop of brown hair that was the same shade as the most pure chocolate in the land. His eyes matched his hair and complemented his tan skin. As expected he was a master of all kinds of Earth element magic and his armor showed that with its brown and red tones. Dark veins of brown ran across it in intricate shapes resembling a tree's roots.

Next to him stood Faerny, one of two female knights of the current era. With the combination of her sharp, blunt tongue and her rare fire magic she as not someone who's bad side you would survive being on. Faerny appearance made her look even more intimidating. With her bright red hair and eyes that seemed to glow. Her matching armor as the final piece, she was a living flame. Golden tendrils worked around her armor but were not prominent and only adding to the flame effect.

To even things out next to Faerny was the ever calm Juxta. Her plain black hair was unbound and hung almost to her hips. She had dark blue eyes with flakes of green that when gazed into seemed as though you were staring at an ocean. She was the complete opposite of Faerny with her calm demeanor and water magic. Her armor didn't appear as armor but was still very protective. It was a long flowing dress. A literal flowing dress, it resemble a river so much in color and how the dress moved around Juxta that it seemed she was wearing water.  If you struck it though, you would your blade simply went right through it and was swept away into the dress.

A step forward from the rest was Darin of the Sky. His looks were ones that had girls from all over head over heels for him.  Whether it was his honey blond hair or the smirk always present on his face. His eyes were like emeralds found in the mountains of Grutold. They always could comfort any soul in need for kindness. That's about where it ends though for  kindness. If eyes are the window to the soul then Darin is the exception. How he looks on the outside is vastly different from his personality. He had a huge ego and believed that he was the best at everything. His armor was like Gorin and Faernys' in the general design expect his was a pale blue with white smudges everywhere that were supposed to look like clouds but didn't quite make the cut. Darin drew them into it personally thinking that no one else could possibly be good enough.  The slight breeze in the room was caused by him and his wind magic, Darin was always looking for a chance to show off.

Finally the last knight and possibly the most and least noticeable one. Malcolm. Dressed in simple black armor he didn't stick out in a room full of people but that didn't make him any less famous. He wasn't bad looking with the neat black hair on top of his head or the dark almost black eyes. Malcolm used a mosh posh of all magical powers. Jack of all trades, master of none. Do not think even for a moment though that he is not as powerful as the others for it would be your downfall.

Guards stood surrounding the entire perimeter of the throne room and servants were huddled behind them. Darin cleared his throat to begin his proposal to the King. The knights were still shocked that the following idea had indeed come from Darin himself. He wasn't one to have ulterior motives though.

"Your Majesty, us knights are nervous about the up coming competition.  We are growing old and the opposition is purely made up of young knights. At this rate we don't stand a chance to win which is why I would like to propose the following. A new order of knights."

There was an audible gasp from the entire room. The King however did not look shocked at all or he hid it well. He gave a simple nod before answering, "Do as you wish."

All of the knights bowed as one before heading to the west wing of the castle to discuss the next step.


They surrounded the large table in the middle of Darin's study staring at the map of all the lands. Little dots blinked showing all of the magic users with the capability to become knights. Juxta had claimed the child in the toward the sea in the north that separated our kingdom of Paros and the land of Harstad. Gorith was also heading north to a child that seemed to be in the same town as Juxta's.

Faerny was heading east where most of the country's automatic items were made. Darin was heading to the south towards a bright yellowish light.

Malcolm was to take the west. He had no qualms with that since there was a strange dot in the mountains. Instead of being white light like every other dot on the map it was black and pulsing. It was his first stop.

After saying farewells the five knights departed for there task. Find five new knights that could save or destroy the world.

Please leave a comment on what you liked, didn't like, found funny, or any mistakes I made. Thank you!
Hi author here! This is my first story that I actually am proud of. I really hope you like it! If you do quit please leave a comment on where you stopped and why. It would help me a lot.  If you don't want to please don't feel like you have to.

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