Me and Ron in control

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It was two weeks after mom and Shane came back we were still in shock all of us are, today dad is putting a meeting to have some work, I was getting ready when Ron walked in and grabbed my waist and started to dance with me, I smiled and turned around to see that his eyes are closed and he is smiling, I lean in and kissed him he grasp then he realised that I was on my tip toes, Ron has grown up in the last two weeks, he is taller than me and when I kiss him I have to get on my tip toes, but I was not expected to be picked up and spun around, I giggled and ron laughed he put me down so that I could put the rest of my clothes on, Ron slapped my ass before leavening the room i squealed and turned my head, I was ready but before Ron could get out the door I jumped on his back, I grained in to his back, he turned his head to me and kissed me on the lips and put his hands on my ass and slapped it I giggled and kissed his noes before getting off his back and took his hand and walked to kilts Room, when we got in there lily was on the floor playing with her toys, as soon as she heared the door opened she jumped up and asked if Ron could pick her up and Ron said yes and picked her up and put her on his hip, then we walked over to the front door and I asked Ron if she has the front door keys and he said" yes hunny I have the keys are you ready to see what is happening" answered" yes I and baby and love you" but before he could say something I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back then we heared"ewww stop me don't want to see kissing" and i realised that lily was still in Ron arms.
                We made are way in and sat down, I looked around to see everyone heared then dad came out from the back door of the church, he then said"as you know Pete killed Negan and we are all happy for the new married couple so I would like to say that me daughter Cara and her husband are know in control of Alexandra for now on, because as you all know that we lose two ever brave men, they got killed by Negan and I am so sorry to they partner's for they loses and I would love to say congratulations on have your baby boy Maggie" we all looked at Maggie and she was in tears so we all got in to a group hugged, then dad asked Ron to go up and say something, Lily asked if me and her could go up with him and dad said yes.
               When we got up everyone cheered and whistles, I looked at Ron to see him looking at me I held his hand as he said" well this is a surprised to heared that me and my beautiful wife are know in contorl, so if you have everything to say you can say it, then the door opened to see Jesus standing they with all blood over him, Lily screamed at the site so I told Ron to pick her up and hide her face while I go up and help people ask Jesus what is the matter.

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