weeks later

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It been two weeks know since the wedding and and I was in the house making breakfast because Ron and Lily where still sleeping, I heared the door open i looked to see who it was and it was my dad and Judith when he saw me he smiled and hugged me so did Judith, it's been better know since Negan was killed by Pete we asked for are thing back and Dwhite came to give it back and now they apart for Alexandra, life was the happiest know.
          Dad came in and sat at the table he comes over for breakfast because Michonne has broke uo with him becausehe is in love with Daryl, But Daryl was on a run so dad came over to have breakfast with me,Ron and Lily, I was started to cook again when I heared Ron and Lily come in, I looked aroundto see Ron walk over to me and kiss me i looked at lily and she walked over to me and hugged me.
        I still can't believe that mine and Ron's baby girl was walking and talking already I put my hands on Ron's shoulders and kissed him on the mouth before I told him to make the tea and coffee, I was so happy to have a family of my own and today Maggie and Sasha are coming back, I still can't believe that Maggie has a baby boy and she named it Glenn junior everyone was so happy to have the future Glenn but still can't believe that the really Glenn is really dead, I put the plates out on the table so everyone could eat, I heared everyone hmmmm because it was so good and dad said"Cara where did you Learn how to cook like this, this is so lovely better then your mother's" then i heared Judy say" daddy when is mummy coming back" I looked around and looked at dad and Ron, I walked over to Judy and sat down next to her and said" Judy mommy is not coming back she is gone to a better place she is looking down at all of us ok" but then they was a knock at the door I walked over to answer it and was shocked to see how is was and said"mom, Shane I ought you were dead I saw dad stab you and I shot you mom after you give birth to judy" at the sound of this Judy ran out of the kitchen and screamed I looked around to see everyone standing they with shock faces lily walked up to me and asked if she could be picked up so I did pick her you.
                  That when mom notice that I had a wedding band on my finger and so did Ron, mom screamed and hugged me, then she looked at lily then Ron, she ran up to Ron and asked" you married my daughter and had a child oh I am so happy I am a grandmother hahaha" I looked at Shane and he said" well hello little little girl Long time know see you have groun up so quickly, how old are you know" I said back"I am 17 and yeah long time" I looked at dad to see he was looking at Shane with this look I could not explain. Then mom asked if she could see Glenn to see how he is, we all went silent, I said" mom Glenn was killed by this man named Negan" she looked at me and said" no he Is not dead he is having a child" we all walked over to the grave that said Glenn Rees, she gaps and started to cry I was about to cry when Ron hugged me to comfort me i was still holding lily when sasha and Maggie came over i smiled and hugged Maggie and said"congrats Cara on getting married and having and child" I smiled and hugged her again because she started to cry because she was looking at Glenn's grave and so did sasha so I told them that they could come to the house to have and tea or coffee but before we started to leave Maggie called out"Lori is is that you" I looked at my mother and then back to  Maggie and they hugged, so we all walked back to the house and had tea and coffee.

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