Chapter Thirty Three

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"What? Your boyfriend?" Nick looks at Steve like he had two heads. I know that the only way I can get Nick to believe me is if I take a comedic rout to this.

"What, you don't think I could get a boyfriend?" I looked at him with a smirk.

"No... its not that, but where the hell do you suddenly snatch a boyfriend when your stuck in a hospital?" He keeps looking between me and Steve, and I know I am not selling it. I also know that if I said he had been my boyfriend while I was kidnapped he'd call bull shit. I never went out, Nick was almost always with me, so he would know it was a lie.

"Well, we met here when he was volunteering. And, we just kind of clicked." I said, suddenly scared that Steve would get mad that I didn't do exactly what he told me.

"Um... Ok, well I would like to get to know him first. And then, I guess we add him to the guest list of the people who can visit the house without the cops tackling him?" It was a question. I wanted so badly to say no, but I knew that this is why Steve wanted me to tell Nick he was my boyfriend. For unlimited access to me, so he can follow through with whatever the hell his plan is.

"Ok, sounds good." I say avoiding all eye contact. Hoping that Nick absolutely hates Steve and decides that he's not good enough. I never had a serious boyfriend that I had to tell Nick about. So this is new territory for us, and I honestly hopes he goes all 'macho brother' and tells Steve to get lost.

"Well... Um, Steve lets talk in the hall then." He states, walking out the door.

As Steve walks out, he turns around and winks at me with a subtle smirk, and my stomach churns. I just want this to be over. I want Ty to know that I didn't abandon him, or that I don't hate him. I want him to know that I don't blame him for what happened to me. But now, there's nothing I can do because Steve is ruining everything.

It seems like years that are going by, and  it should be a good thing because it means Nick is grilling Steve, but I cant help but to feel uneasy. I already know Steve will figure out another way to get to me if Nick doesn't approve of him.

I quickly snap my head to the door as I here it start to open. Its Nick that walks in first laughing, throwing his head back. Then Steve and I see him slap Nicks back in a friendly way.

My heart stops as I realize that Steve and Nick has got on quite well, and now there is no way that I can get away from him. Steve has sold himself and Nick took the bait.

"Well, Iz, I am going to take off because I know Nick wants to take you home so you can settle in." Steve says as he walks over to my bed. Suddenly, he leans down and I have no clue what he's trying to do, until his disgusting lips were on my cheek. I hated it, and it took everything in me not to throw him off of me. I looked over at Nick hoping he'd tell Steve to back off but he wasn't even paying attention. Watching Jeopardy like the nerd he was instead of helping me out.

Once again, I see Steve smirk as I squirm from the uncomfortable situation, and he finally turns around to leave.

When he is out the door, I look at my brother expectantly waiting for him to tell me something about Steve, or why he finds him so funny. Or why the hell he approved of the monster in the first place.

"He was great, Iz. Nicely done!" Nick chuckles, with a small smirk.

"Yup. he is fantastic." I state monotony, until I realize that I am supposed to be infatuated with the guy. So I replace my scowl with a smile and look at Nick until he looks like he believes I'm his love sick sister.

Just then, the nurse walks in with a wheel chair and a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Hello, Iz! Are you ready to go?" She asked, and my face lifts up. I know that a lot of things are sucking right now, but leaving this damn hospital and this hard bed, and this disgusting "food" is something I would never miss out on.

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