Twenty Five

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I don't know where I am, but I know I have been fading in and out of consciousness for a few hours. I heard voices not too long ago, little bits and pieces from hushed and worried people... I know them, but I can't seem to place them...

"The blood loss is serious... It's hard to tell if she will make it out of the coma." This voice is light, high pitched, I don't know who this person is but she is filled with sympathy.

"I'll have you know I can ruin you and this hospital if she doesn't wake up!" This one is much colder... A mans voice. I know who it is but my brain putts out again, as I drift back to the swarming darkness.
"I know your strong enough to pull through... For me?" This one is also a guy's voice, however, not as ruthless as the previous, more compassionate... I still can't put a face to it.

"You can't be in here, sir!" A lady's voice, the same as before, more worried, like she needs to watch her every move. But once again, I fade away. Unable to process the rest of the conversations.

"We will be all over the news by tomorrow, she's making us rich, Howard!" Howard? I know that name... This is a females voice, greedy, pushy... But I don't want to think about it. I can feel my head throbbing and it's better to just drift away again.
This time I hear no voices, and my head is not throbbing with the same intensity as it had been before. But my left had has pressure on it, a nice pressure, like someone is holding it. I feel a thumb caress the top of it, tiredly.

I squeeze lightly, trying to be reassuring as I can sense sadness in the room. But all of a sudden the hand snatches back aggressively.

"HERE, IN HERE I THINK SHE'S WAKING UP!" I hear urgent screaming, rustling as people pour around. I don't know what's going on but I feel hands all over me, at my neck, and my forearm.

It's uncomfortable, so I squeeze my eyes tight hoping it will all go away, this only seems to make it worse.

"Can you hear me, sweetie?" A mans voice, soft, unrecognizable. I try to answer yes, thinking they're talking about me, but my mouth is so dry and hoarse it comes out as a grumbled moan.

"It may be hard, Hun, but try to open your eyes." I can't help but to flinch at the nickname, I don't know where I recognize it from but it sends shivers down my spine...

"Don't call me that." I try to say firmly but it doesn't come out that way, it sounds like a disgruntled mess. More like:

"Dncallmtht" so I just try and open my eyes instead, obeying my orders. But even for the second they were open, the blaring lights made me quickly squeeze them closed.

Whoever is in charge seemed to notice my dilemma, and ordered someone to turn off the lights.

Even through my eyelids, it feels much better, less intense. So I try to open my eyes, slightly.

I am squinting and looking around the white room. There are at least five people in the here, two guys in which I recognize...

My dad and my brother. Reliefs washes over me as I see Nick suddenly relax, but the other faces honestly terrify me. People in white uniforms, doctors and nurses around my bed. All looking at me as if I would shatter into a million pieces right before them. I hate being the center of attention.

Not knowing what else to do in order to release the tension, I mutter:

"Hi." Shyly.

My brother immediately laughs and pushes through the crowd of doctors to come and hold my hand. His green eyes boring into me, trying to read my emotion...

But I have non.

I don't know where I am... I mean, it's obviously a hospital, but other than that, I have no clue.

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