Chapter Thirty One

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After going to sleep, my dreams started to become worse as my memories of the day my torturer took me came flooding back more. I didn't realize how much damage he had done to me until now. I will always be afraid because of him.

I know that his intentions were not to directly get at me, however the physical and physiological pain is still following me to this day. But something seems off. The feeling I got when I kissed Ty didn't seem to be how I remembered it before. It felt forced. Like I was trying to accept him but I knew it was wrong. But I want to give him another chance because these circumstances aren't exactly the greatest.

I wake up the next morning and realized that today is the day I have to tell everyone what happened. I look to my bedside table and see a picture. It's a picture of the person who tortured me, but it's hand drawn. It replicates every wrinkle that his smile makes, every perfect inch of skin on his face, his beautiful hair. I know what Ty wants me to do. He wants me to say I drew this, give it to the cops and say he kidnapped me. This would then clear his name and we could focus on other ways to get him money for his sister.

But just like yesterday, something seemed odd. I just shook my head and took a sip of the water bottle next to me, I should be excited to leave this behind me. Finally get revenge for what he did to me. But I still just feel sad.

My nurse walks in and looks at me with an 'it's time' look, and I know I have to tell the cops what "happened."

She lets the two dreaded officers in, and I start talking, I tell them that I drew the picture and hesitantly gave it to them.

"I didn't know you could draw. This will be great for our team." Says the cocky officer.

"It is very good, and you're sure that's all you can tell me? No motive to why he suddenly tortured you?" The other one asked.

"The only thing I can think of was that he was pissed off because my parents weren't paying the ransoms." I added, hoping to sound convincing.

"It makes sense I guess, but it's crazy and we will do everything we can to help catch this guy. You won't be put under witness protection program, but we will have cops posted at your place every day to keep you safe. I'm sorry about doubting you, Iz." The asshole cop says.

I look at them and give them both an awkward smile because I don't need them. I know Ty will watch over me. But still it will make me feel better knowing that I have more protection. I don't want to have to go through that again.

As they left I saw a short glimpse of the picture again. And I felt a small pang in my stomach, and I still can't determine why I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing.

Still, the time comes around that my brother visits, and he can tell that my mood is off. He's probably just assuming it's because I can remember things now. But instead of asking me about it, he is talking about how excited he is for me to move in with him. I lightly smile because I don't want him to think that I'm not excited for it, honestly I can't wait to never have to see my parents ever again. But nothing seems to be getting my mood up.

"Mom and dad are fuming because this is making them look bad. It's finally time they got what's coming to them." He says with a smile on his face.

I just answered him with a small smile of my own and glanced at the tv across the room which was the news turned on low. It was a picture of me and now the hand drawn picture of my other kidnapper.

I instantly looked away to see Nick staring at me expectantly. I raise my eyebrows as if asking "what?" And he rolls his eyes.

"I asked if you wanted to paint your room? You can tell me what color you want and I can have it done by the time you move in. Either way is up to you." He says excitedly. I realize just how happy he was moving out with me. I'm grateful that he is doing this for me because I honestly don't know how much longer I can stand living with my parents.

"Surprise me. And if I don't like it, I'll just paint over your awful painting skills." I said mockingly with a small smirk.

"Keep it up and you'll be living in the crawl space." He chuckles as I look at him appalled. Knowing him he'd actually do it just to see my face when I came to the new house.

"Anyways, you should be released in a couple of days, so I'm going to sneak into the old house and grab some of your stuff so we don't have to waste too much money on clothes." He starts to get off the chair and comes over to my bed. I sit up and we hug for a second before he turned around to leave.

Now I'm bored. I just sit in my room playing with my fork because god knows I'm not actually going to eat this shit. That is until I hear my door open.

"Hey." Ty says while walking in my room and sitting on the chair that Nick was in.

I send him a small smile and lose eye contact. Sure, I feel bad but there's something off with this, I don't understand how I was in love with him. Maybe I'm just biased now because of all the things I have been through, but I just don't feel the same.

The room falls into an awkward silence and I can tell he wants to tell me something. I avoid eye contact, and it feels odd because none of the times I remember being with Ty have felt so forced.

He clears his throat and I know he's finally going to speak his mind.

"So now that all of this is done. I have to tell you something. But before you flip out like I know you will, just know that if you decide to tell anyone, no one will believe you." He starts. This interests me as I have no idea what he's going on about, so I finally meet his eyes.

"I'm not Ty." And that's when it hit me, the reason everything felt off, the reason I felt so weird when I saw the picture I turned into the cops. I just turned in the picture of the man I loved. He wasn't Ty... the man I had just turned in was Ty!

"You're... you didn't!" I practically screamed. He just ruined everything for me, for Ty, and his sister.

"I'm Steve, yes, I am the one who tortured you, I also saved your ass by taking you to the hospital. And now, I just finally got my revenge on Ty." He said with a smirk

"And the best part, is that you can't take back anything you said or they will question whether or not you remember everything. They'll question your sanity. Nothing you say can be trusted, and you won't be able to go home. Everything worked, and it's just because I could get to you first." At this point I was crying, as I yanked the IV out of my arm and lunged for him.

My boyfriend is going to go to jail for murder, kidnapping, torturing, and I can't do anything about it because I was the one who turned him in.

I was hitting him with everything I had, but I couldn't scream, I was crying too much, and I wasn't able to even scratch him. He just grabbed my arms, set me down and told me to calm down.

"Honestly, none of this was meant to hurt you, you're just a casualty in the way. And I have to thank you for me being able to finally give Ty what he deserves."

With that, I sit there in shock and he walks out so that I'm left to cry with my arms bleeding from the ripped out IV. If the doctors find me like this they are going to assume I am losing it and won't let me go home. But at this point that is the only way I can try to save Ty and clear his name.

I wipe the tears and blood from my face and hands just as my nurse walks in.

"What happened now!" She asks coming over to fix my IV.

"Sorry I just fell out of the bed and it ripped out. I didn't mean to trouble you." I said having a hard time lying through my teeth.

"You're fine. Why are you crying? Actually I came with good news. Tomorrow the physic evaluator will come in and make sure you are stable and healthy to leave. If all goes well you should be able to go home with your brother tomorrow night or the next morning!" She said cheerily.

"That's great." I say while trying to force what would look like a genuine smile. She must have believed it because she tells me good night and walks out of the room.

Tears start to fall down my face again as I realize how much I screwed up. And that I may never see Ty again unless it's him behind glass.

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