Chapter Seventeen

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I slowly open my eyes, and let them adjust to the light shining through the windows. Ty is sitting at the kitchen table reading a news paper. Probably checking to see any news or progress written about me.

My head still hurts, but I'm glad to feel the scar where my stitches have been, is no longer sensitive. I get out of bed, the floor is cold against my feet, but it feels good being how hot it is in the trailer.

I walk over to the cabinet where I have seen Ty get my medicine from, and I take it with water.

I scan the fridge for anything that looks good, even though I'm not that hungry. I know Ty will throw a hissy fit if I don't eat anything being how sick I was yesterday.

"Morning. Not much of an early person are you?" Ty teases.
"How could you tell?" I ask sarcastically as I run my hands through my knotted hair.

"So I have to go scam someone into giving me gas. I don't think you should come, it's too dangerous. Are you ok staying here?" He asks. And honestly, I'm relieved. I did not want to relive anything like what happened a few days ago, again.
"Yeah, it's all good." I answer.
"And don't forget to disguise yourself somehow." I add. I think a hood would suffice, but I'm not a serial robber so I wouldn't know. I look down at my hands feeling back for thinking something like that about Ty.

"Getting worried about me, are you?" He is in a teasing mood today.
"Sure, something like that." I rhetoric.

We eat breakfast together, which is just a bowl of cereal and some milk. I can't help but notice he keeps looking at the newspaper like he is worried about something. But I decide not to ask, I can sneak a peak when he leaves for gas.

It's amazing how quick our moods have changed from yesterday... It's like it never even happened, and I'm relieved to get things back to normal.

"I should be back in about three or four hours, I still don't want to chance anything around here." He says.

"Do you have enough gas for that much of a drive?" I ask.

"I have a few gallons that I want to fill up, the car has enough right now." He answers. It make sense to do that instead of waiting for the gas tank to run out in the car.

He gets a few things together, puts on a tight hat, and some sun glasses, gives me a peck on the cheek and tells me not to get into any trouble.

What harm could I do? Other than break a few things, probably a bone or two... I try to joke with myself to lighten my mood. After that, he leaves.

I am alone, in a nice sized trailer, stuck with my own thoughts and boredom. Not the best idea on Ty's part, but better than taking me with him. I decide to read the news paper he seemed nervous about.

Isabel Leyarty
This seventeen your old girl is still missing, taken from her home about two weeks ago. Her first call home resulted in a violent demand from the kidnapper to give $500,000 in order to get her back home. Her poor parents and brother are distraught, waiting for her safe return.
"Are you going to pay the ransom, Mrs. Leyarty?"
"I know it seems cruel, but that is too
much money for our family to handle. But we are putting up a donation web site to earn enough money to get our daughter back."
"Are you afraid for your daughters life, Mr. Leyarty?"
"Everyday we pray for her safe arrival, only thinking positive thoughts to get her home."
"And, Nick, if you had the option, what would you do to get your sister back?"
This is where things get interesting...
"My parents have more than enough to pay the ransom, I want my sister home, and I will do everything in my power to make that happen. Iz, I will fix this."
This interview raised many questions on Isabel's capture, but only one is of the police's main concern...
Are Isabel's parents willing to do what it takes to get her home safely?

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