Chapter One

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It has been raining for three hours. It recently started to thunder and the lightning is the worst that I have seen in years. There was just a knock on the door, and I was startled as there shouldn't be any one outside right now.

I walk to the door, and see someone standing in the rain, soaked. Without weighing out my options, I let him in thinking he was a neighbor or something. I immediately open the door a little more so he can come in... Then I realize that I have no idea who he actually is, but at this point I don't really care I feel bad for the guy.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure my older brother is upstairs, so I am not worried.
I knew how dangerous it was out there so I figured I can let him dry up, and wait out the storm. He probably actually knows my brother, and Nick would be pissed if I had his friend wait outside too long.

The hooded stranger walks in, and being polite, wipes his shoes on the muddy shoe rug before coming in my rather large living room. He seems familiar to me, his broad shoulders, nice build, but I can't see his face.

"I'm sure you're here for Nick, but it's really bad out there and you need to dry up before going upstairs. Can I get you anything to drink while you warm up?" I ask rather nervously.
He can't be too much older than me. He shakes his head, never making eye contact.

I jump as thunder rattles the chandeliers on the ceiling...
"Sorry, I'm not too good with storms."
"It's ok. Thank you for letting me in. My car is a convertible and the top won't close. For some reason it isn't running right now." His voice is deep, but I can tell he is around my age, maybe a year or two older, my brothers age. So he doesn't know Nick?

"No problem, you can sit down if you'd like, I'm going to make some tea for myself, tell me if you change your mind and want any." I say kindly, I can't kick him out now...
"I'm ok, thanks." He says quickly.

As I am making my tea, I think about my brother. Even though he is 17 and extremely annoying, I love him. I can't help but to think of our fight this morning. It seemed so dumb, I wanted a ride to my friends house, but he said no:
"It's gonna be really bad out tonight, and I'm watching tv. Leave me alone."

Looking back now, I regret yelling at him, he was just trying to keep me safe while mom and dad are out on their business trip in Florida. I should apologize later after our guests leaves.

I turn around to sit at the kitchen table with my hot tea and I drop my cup and spill all of its hot contents on me, burning my skin... But I don't care.

The guy is holding a gun and holding a finger over his mouth telling me to be quiet.
Instinct takes over as I scream for my brother-
No answer.

Where is he, is he asleep? Oh no, my heart sinks as I realize he probably snuck out to his friends house to get away from me after our fight today.

The stranger shakes his head tsking me.
"I wish you wouldn't have screamed... But he isn't home." He states, he doesn't seem content with what he is doing. He actually seems rather nervous.
Was he watching me? Did he see Nick leave?
"Now, I want you to pack a suitcase, take clothes, a toothbrush, brush, and any other... Toiletries you may need. I am going to have to check it before I allow you to take it with you. Please don't do anything stupid. I don't want to hurt you."

At this, he takes off his hood and reveals his face... He is definitely my brothers age, and he has dark eyes with light brown hair spiked up in the front. His chiseled jaw line highlights his features. He looks like any normal person... Except for the gun.

I head upstairs as he is right behind me, and head to my room. I have no clue why he is making me pack, but I have no room to argue. I grab my duffle bag and hesitantly, put some t-shirts, shorts, and long pants inside it. I grab a jacket and put it on, suddenly feeling cold... Is he going to kill me? The hot Arizona weather disappears and all of a sudden I feel as though it's winter in Michigan.

I pack socks, a couple of my least provocative bras and underwear. Then, with him right on my tail, I head to the bathroom right down the hallway.

There I grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush. How long does he plan to keep me? I blush, embarrassed as I pack some tampons, as I realize my period is going to start any time now. I turn around, he is blocking my way in the small bathroom.
Gaining courage, I ask,
"What do you want with me?"

He looks down at me, frowns, and finally speaks.
"I don't want to hurt you. I am sorry it has come down to this, but I will not tell you my plans. Are you done packing?"
He asks this like he is talking to a young child... I nod quickly and hand him my bag.

He puts it on the counter and shuffles through it. I flush as he checks the tampon box. Probably to check that I haven't hidden anything.
Suddenly I have an idea...
"I have to go to the bathroom." I say. please leave please.

"Then go, I'm not looking, I'm just checking your bag." He answers. Damn. There goes that plan.

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