Twenty Three

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Ty's POV
I'm waking up... How the hell am I still alive if I got shot in the stomach? It makes no sense, I should have died by now.

My eyes are slowly opening, all my muscles hurt, but my stomach feels like it's fucking being ripped apart. I look down, expecting to see a shit ton of blood, but there's barely anything.

I don't understand until I lift up my shirt to see a tiny dart looking thing sticking out of my abdomen.

It's not until I try to take the damn thing out that I realize the real size of it. I grunt as the three inch thing tears through my skin.

My vision starts to come back a few seconds after it's out. I look around the room, taking advantage of my consciousness.

"IZ!" I run over to her, her lifeless body limp as I try to shake her awake. "IZ!"

Nothing, I look around the room again to see if there's something I can use to help her, anything, water?

But I stop in my tracks... Riley... My sister...

I run over to her little body.


I hear static, looking around, and I realize we are in a basement... There's blood and glass all over. Iz's blood?

"By now I assume I've got your attention?" I here a voice, Steve's voice coming from God knows where.

Not knowing wether I should answer or not, I choose to try.


"Good. Sorry to out you in this position, but you know by now I'm a bit unforgiving." His voice is menacing. Filled with malice.

"What do you fucking want? Why won't they wake up?" I'm so pissed I can barely stand.

"Haha, about that. Well, as you know I shot all of you... But it's not a lethal shot... They are darts of a sort, make you fall fast asleep with all the pain of a bullet. However, these darts are poisonous, and as you know you have been given the antidote, the reason your awake at the moment..."

"But me being a bit forgetful only brought two doses. Haha, silly me. So, the last syringe is in the middle of the floor, between your two favorite people in the world, and you have a decision to make."

I fall to the floor. That mother fucker just ruined my life. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I love my sister, she's the only thing I have left of a family, the one thing I can count on.... And I love my Iz... My impossible love, loyal to the end, loving me through everything I put her through. And now what am I supposed to do?

"Oh, and, Ty? Sorry to interrupt your life altering decision... But you have an hour." He chuckles. He fucking chuckles.

"What, and then your gonna just let me and the other one go? Just like that?"

"Yup! Hey, we can even hang out some time!" He laughs again.
"Ha! Never mind, were over dude, don't ever cross my god damn path again." And his voice cuts out.

I know he's watching me, but I don't care, I go over to both of my girls, relentlessly trying to shake them awake.

Knowing my sister's immune system would be the first to go, I search her body for the dart, finding it under her ear. I start ripping it out, leaving a bleeding gash.

I do the same thing to Iz, search through all of the blood. It makes me sick but trying so hard to find the damn thing. It takes me a minute, but I finally see it embedded in her arm, inside the gash she already had from whatever the hell he did to her. I rip it out, seeing yet more blood pour from her fragile body.

On The RunNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ