The Reaction

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Ciel stops in his tracks, "you're a what?"

"Im female." I answer back again, I might bite a hole through my lip if I continue like this 

it takes him a moment to process this, "You're not a man?"

I shake my head no, "no, Sorry, if you want to fire me, that's fine, i understand, i wont go into robbery again and ill do good and..." I'm rambling, but I cant stop the word vomit, I dont want to fuck this up,


I stop in my tracks, mouth wanting to form more words, but no sound comes out. Quickly holding my hands to my mouth, I look down at my feet, blushing, slightly regretting my long slew of words I just spat out.

"You're not out of the job, so you don't need to worry," he assures to be and I loosen up just a bit, "i'd just wish that someone would've told me." Ciel glares at his butler as i sigh in relief, knowing that i'm not out of a job.

"You didn't ask my lord." Sebastian smiles innocently, which could only send shivers down anyones spines.

as they start to bicker, I zone out, just filled with joy that I'm still here, going into my mind and smiling softly as I see the others do their job around the house before another signature comes up, familiar, but a stranger, "Im sorry to interrupt, but, there's a man at the door." I comment as i look up from my spot.

"Go get it then." Ciel comments back, still flustered by his butler.

"Yes sir." I bowed before going to the unnaturally large front door, rich people and their money. There, the person at the door, who was in all white, from his uniform, to his hair, if it was winter we surly couldn't see him; had a letter in his hand. I knew he was one of the queen's knights from the royal guard, from again the uniform and also being almost caught by them, many,, many times before.

"a letter for Ciel phantomhive." he states, stoic in nature and face.

I take the letter and thank him, he gives me a slight once over before leaving, disappearing quickly in the fauna. I could've sworn that he gave a smirk. I squint my eyes in his direction as he leaves, what was that about?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts, then travel back to Ciel and Sebastian with a letter i assume from the queen.



"Yes my lord... Ciel?" I say, correcting myself

"We will be leaving tomorrow for London to investigate the Jack The Ripper instances.   Meet us in front of the mannor at 6:30 am with clothes packed."

"Yes sir." I say, mentally sighing for another short notice.


I'm a what?

You're a wizard harry

A what!

A wizerd harrrrry

Sorry for the short chapter, but The next shall be long, so yeah.

This was Dirk, signing out

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