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Shima Hit the bottom of the life sized safe hard, causing the needles to go in deep, putting her in a death like state. Her mind is in a haze, knowing everything, yet nothing to what's happening. Her body paralyzed and her vision gone, she lays there in limbo, waiting for release.

The butler goes to inspect the damage, plopping into the narrow area, just missing her stomach. He leans down and lifts her wrist up to check her pulse, there's none. He takes her to his master.

"My lord, I have caught the demon of the night, but i'm afraid he's dead." The butler explains, the girl felt light in his arms, he could still feel blood moving and organs still functioning. He decides to keep this to himself, after all he would love to see where this goes. Could offer some fun to these boring times.

The boy sighs as he goes up to Shima, closing her wide shocked green eyes, " I suppose that I didn't say alive." He looks over the crook before speaking again, "Sebastian, take him to the undertaker on our way home." He decides, just wanting to go home and sleep.

Sebastian bows before he takes Shima and wraps her in a blanket and puts her in the back of the carriage.

They drove to the Undertakers.

Once there, Sebastian takes Shima's limp form into the shop as Ciel yells into the wide open shop, "undertaker! Are you in?" It echos around the shop as A crazy cackle seems to follow it, coming back in louder intensity, sudden a coffin flys open and out goes the Undertaker, rising like a vampire from a 1000 year slumber.

"My, my~, what a surprise~. It's not often we see the guard dog here in this hour. Have you finally came to get a fitting for one of me coffins?" He snickers, a wide smile only to be seen through his long silver locks.

Ciel glares slightly, "No, we are just here to deliver a body, of the one of our latest catches. You've heard of the demon of the night right?"

He nods, "Ah yessssss, that petty thief everyone is talking about nowadays~" he snickers as he takes in Shima's body with striped eyes, as if looking for an expiration date, but while also recounting a sense of familiarity, "Just leave him over there and I'll take care of him." He requests in his normal tone as he nudges his hand to an open table next to various jars of unknown substances. Sebastian obliges and puts her down.

Ciel decides this is a better time than ever to leave, "don't bother with writing to me once he's done, ill send you the payment tomorrow, just bury him with the rest" He requests and undertaker nods as he sees them leave,

"Come again soon!" he waves as Sebastian and Ciel disappear into the night, leaving just him and the dozen of bodies around him alone. He soon quickly went to observe the body, noting the copious amount of blood, but no notable wounds. Surely with this much blood, she would of had open wounds right? Surely the demon of the night wasn't turning to murder yet. But, they did have bruises, that was something to note, especially when they are located in the torn areas of their shirt.  He strips down Shima to check for wounds beneath the clothing, wondering if there was any wounds that laid hidden to the naked eye, a more concrete way of finding the cause of death. turning Shima over He notices some needle sized holes in her clothing and back. He cocks his head to the side in interest at the find. He quickly goes to get his tools.

Once the tools were in his hands, he pranced back to the body and immanently started to cut down the length of her back, quickly getting pliers to start to pull out the needles. Once the last needle was out, Shima bolted up, eyes wide and breathing heavily; mind going haywire in pain, panic and shock. The undertaker had to push her back down, literally and almost most figuratively.

"Settle down dear, you're alright." he assures calmly, a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Shima furrows her brows, trying to get her thoughts straightened out and trying to comprehend all that had happened, her mind still swimming in a wave of emotions, "Undertaker..?" she asks unsure

"Yes?" he answers

it takes her a moment to answer, the words just weren't coming to her mouth, "Why... why am I here?" she asks slowly, having to sound out each word like it was her first time ever saying them to get them to come out right.

he giggles, "Why, You were brought here, a man thought you were dead~." he laughs more, like it was the first good joke he's heard in a while.

'Oh, right.' Shima thought to herself, flashes of her falling into the safe going through her mind. She opens her mouth to ask another question, but the undertaker asks something first, "by the way." he cocks his head, "who are you?"

Shima cant help but smile a little as she gives a small laughing sigh, "Well" she starts,  "I suppose I do look different, but you don't remember my tickling?" she says in a mock hurt.

The undertaker, still with a cocked head, cocks it the other way in questioning Shima before getting quickly reminded as a tickling sensation soon over came his senses, filling him with giddy laughter and bliss as he starts to cackle, "alright... Shima you can .... Stop!" Undertaker says between fits of laughter.

I laugh a bit with him, "I'm surprised that you really didn't recognize me, I come in her so often too." i note, its true, people in the village die every day it seems, "Oh, how's Edward doing? Is he almost ready?" i ask, remembering that he should be done about now. Though, poor Edward. Lost his mother, then soon later his brother along with his leg and his arm in a machine accident, didn't get better from there.., But at least he's with him now.

the Undertaker smiles, "My old age is probably the reason" he laughs and i roll my eyes,  "and yes," he continues, "he will be ready tomorrow. I just need to put the final touches on him"

I nod my head, " you don't suppose that you above any clothes that I can wear, do you?"

"Hm?" it takes him a moment to register what was the meaning behind my question, i see his hair raise, probably from his eyebrows, as he gets what i means "oh yes. I'll be right back. Just sit tight." And with that, he left into his back room.

I sighed as i run a hand through my hair, forgetting that it wasn't long for a moment, but chin length , " I knew I was going to have some bad luck today, everything was going so well, it was bound to happen." i curse to myself as I sigh again and stretch, feeling my skin mending. ' man, it's always weird when my skin is healing. I will never get used to it.' I think to myself as I get up and look in a mirror, to watch my mending back. it was like an invisible spider was shooting skin colored web across the wound, slowly bringing it together after each thread is spun.

Once it was done, it leaves a light scar with bruises, along with tiny darker spots from where the needles were at.

the Undertaker comes in soon after, carrying a suit.

"Sorry that I didn't have any women's clothing that wasn't covered in blood."

"It's fine." I say as I take the clothes out of his hands, "did you really have to cut all the way down my back?" I ask him and he just chuckles

I give a half smile in response as i put on my clothing, not minding if the undertaker was still here, I didn't have any noticeable boobs so, nothing to show, nothing to hide, besides, who cares, they're just two blobs of extra fat o my chest. 'Mental note, get new clothes when I get back.' I think to myself as I check the pockets of my old clothes. "Damn them, they took my loot." I say to myself as feel that my pockets were empty. i hop off the table after wards, folding my pants in my hands as i bid the undertaker a thank you for the clothes and taking the needles out and a goodbye as I go out the door. I have roughly an hour to sleep now, judging from the stars and moon. Not the worse amount of sleep Ive gotten so far.

"Maybe if I'm lucky, I can get a nap later." I comment to myself yawning as i make my way back home.

I arrive soon after and grab a shirt and pants from our stash of Spare clothing and changed. I went over to my sleeping spot and put the suit into my box of possessions, which included, if not limited to, my golden rose choker, a quill with a bottle of ink, paper, things that the kids have made, the clothes I came here in, a dress and a book of nursery rhymes and fairy tales.

I fall down on my bed made of straw, blankets and wood, quickly snuggling into the pile and blanket and falling asleep almost instantly.

Words: 897

Edit 10/11/18 Words: 1599

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