The Deal

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After the bath, food and some picketed pocket items sold later, I return to the village to drop off the money and supplies then head out again for some big stealing, starting right back where I left. No one would of suspected it at all. In around a few weeks, the head lines were again booming with the news of my return, reading, "Demon of The Night Returns!" Or "Dead, Imposter, Or Still Alive? Demon of The Night is Back!", quote eye catching titles thta are flying out of the hands of the news boys. And with that, the word around the streets is that the guard dog is back on my trail. Annoying as it is, I don't see why though, it's not like I've murdered anyone. Definitely never held anyone hostage as well. I have an idea that maybe It's to do with those expensive jewels that i stole from that one place... but who knows, Anyway I now need to be careful again, which sucks! But I don't want to have a rerun of the last time, god knows I don't need to be "dying" again.


Going into the last house of the night, I walk into the office to find a certain boy and his butler.

I groan in annoyance, debating on running for it, but they had no wapons this time around, " how the hell are you guys here?! I thought no one was here! I even checked!" I yell in frustration

"Why are you still alive?" The boy shoots back

Why Are you such a little shit, "Touché," I answer back, choosing not to say what I just thought, I lean down to rest my elbows on the desk between us, "well, do you want to take me and lock me up?" I ask, "Because I can get out easily, trust me, I've done it before." I look around the room before continuing and looking straight into his eye, "Or are you going to kill me again?"

He seems unfazed, "I want to make a proposal."

"What is the proposal?" I ask suspicious, but he caught my interest

"If you come work for me, I'll stop hunting you and your criminal history will be in the past."

"Alright.." I comment, the idea seemed good, but what's the catch, "but first, what are the rules..the catch, I can't decide without them."

"You'll work as my knight." He starts but I cut him off

"But you have a perfectly good demon right there; why do you need a knight?"

He stops in his tracks, "How do you know that he's a demon?"

I shrug like it's some common knowledge, "Demons goes under my radar and I've seen what they do, heck, in the past, I've almost sold my soul to one."

He nods and his butler studies me carefully. "Well, i need someone to stay by my side when he can't, it will also require you to do a daily walk around the manor, both morning and night."

"Ok, what else?" I edge on

"If I find out that you have stolen something out of the mannor and sold it, you will be punished,if anyone or anything try to attack the mannor you shall murder them, you will also help in investigations"

"Is that all?"


I mull it over before giving an answer, "Alright, I'll go, but for one condition, you will give some money each month to my village."

"What village?" He asked confused

"Well, we call it a village, it's basically a settlement of the homeless and the orphaned. That's the whole reason on why I was stealing, I suppose you can call me a... oh what was the story?" I tap my finger on the desk as I think, "Oh! Yes, modern day Robin Hood I guess." I answer, " It's for them. But another thing is that we all help each other out with what ever we can, have it be watching the children to helping the sick. No matter the age or gender, we all work together."I add, it wasn't as necessary to saw

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