The Square

30 2 6

This chapter is a bit short, but oh well! what can you do?

It's a bright sunny spring afternoon in England, in the middle of a street market, there's a woman singing London bridge with children dancing and play around her. Though not many nanny's, butlers, or parents let their child dance with the other children, they would still leave a tip for the show.

"Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel. Build it up with iron and steel, my fair lady." Sings the woman whose younger than what she looks. The children sing along with the next verse, "but iron and steel will bend and bow, bend and bow, bend and bow. Iron and steel will bend and bow, my fair lady." People gather around to listen to the lady sing. She sometimes stop to let the children sing alone, the songs they know by heart, or other times the children will, stop themselves and just listen to her sing to all those songs they never heard before.

The lady, almost like a siren, sometimes goes up to the a listener with a kind and warming smile and beckons them to join the fun. With a soft smile and alluring voice, they all eventually come and have a good ol time, but always return to their regular days lighter. But, today was different. She was dancing and singing like normal when she spots a well dressed butler and a noble looking child with a eye patch. She supposed the raven haired butler belonged to the navy blue haired child. She scanned them out and smiled when she sees the slight bumps in the fabrics, indicating their valuables. The kid had nothing on him, other than the rings, to her, they're too obvious to take, a faster way to make a scene that no one wanted. The butler on the other hand, he had some items to steal. She stops singing as she leaves the kids behind her to carry on and goes up to the child and his butler and curtsies, "my gentleman, why are you standing here when you could be dancing and having fun with the others?" She asks and the child replies,

"I don't have time for childish stuff like that." His face all bunched up and annoyed.

The girl nods and smiles, " I see, ell, the least you could do is let me dance with your butler, it could bring on a few laughs." She says with a giggle. The child looks at his butler and smirks,

"I suppose I can do that, but may I make a request?"

"Sure! I can do tat, what would be your request?" The boy beckons her to come closer as he whispers the request into her ear as The butler slightly glares down at his master, once done,she smiles at the young boy as she grabs the butlers arm, "come on, Let's go!"

The lady goes to the middle of the children's play circle and claps a little beat, the children quite down as they do it back to her, "gather around children, I think you'll like tis song!" She says cheerfully as the children go closer to her, "ease get into a circle and hold hands." The children do as they told, some are already smiling, knowing what was coming up. "Now, on the count of three, we'll start spinning, 1! 2! 3! Go!" As they start to spin, they begin singing, "ring around the rosy, pockets full of posies, ashes! ashes! We all fall DOWN!" All together, they fall down, even the butler. They do it once more before the lady brings back the boys butler with lighter pockets, she curtsies once more, " tank you for getting me borrow your butler, the children really liked it." She says with a smile, then turns away to sing a couple more songs before they leave for home.

Words: 582

Edit 10/11/18: Words 564

The ThiefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora