The Unlucky Night

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Come along now children, it's time to go." Shima requests and the children groan,

"Do we have too?" They chorus

She nods, reaffirming her previous request, "Yes, it's getting late and I need to buy supper."

"Ok..." They say sadly and started to walk back to the village.

Once there, Shima asks what they got. All together they had enough to eat breakfast and dinner for two day for all of them, " you guys did great today!" Shima says, praising the children for their hard work. They smile joyfully and go tell their relatives of what they accomplished.

Shima smiles softly to herself as she goes to find the other women of the village, she twisted the truth a little, the kids, elderly and the sick will be able to eat well, but for most of the adults will not be able to eat much. It still will be a joyous occasion, we at least have some food in our stomachs

She Finds the women right when they start to make their way out of the village, she joins them on their trip to get food.

-time skip-

"Hey guys, I'm going to pawn this off real quick" Shima said to the other ladies as she holds up the pocket watch that she stole from the butler earlier.

"Ok, go along dear, we will see you back at the buildings." Said a elderly woman, Shima thanks them and then goes to the pawn shop.

the 19 year old's journey to the pawn shop was smooth, other than a drunk trying to put the moves on her.

The owner of the pawn shop was an old friend of her's. She smiles as she opens the door of the shop, taking in the smell of it, "Mr. Gold! I have another thing you may like! It's a real keeper!" She yells out as she props herself up on the counter, moving her red locks out of her face. Mr. Gold comes out of the back room and smiles at the sight of Shima,

"Shima! It's so nice to see you here, what have you stolen for me today?"

Shima smiles, " you know me too ell, but I ave this silver pocket watch, I stole it from a butler tat was watching this kid in an eye patch, the poor ting."

Mr. Gold gasps, "what?" Shima questions

"You don't know? I'm pretty surprised you pulled it off."

"I don't know what?" Shima asks, getting a little annoyed

"You stole it from the guard dog's butler!"

"really? Are you pullin my leg? Because tat didn't look like the all mighty guard dog." Shima says, not believing Gold. The boy looked more like a Chihuahua than a German shepherd.

"It's true, very true, I didn't believe it either when I first heard it." Mr. Gold says back

Shima nods, " hm, interesting. ell, I'm just looking to see if I can sell this to you."

"Yes, yes, right. Let me have a closer look at this... Hm, lets see now, looks new, maybe three years old at the most, barely no scratches, made in Sweden.." Mr. Gold says to himself

"So? ow much is it?" Shima asks, mr. Gold looks up to her,

"I have to say that the most I can give you for this is 200 pounds."

Shima's eyes light up, "re-really?" She asks astonished

"Yes, really, and i can pay you right now if you would like." Shima hugs Gold over the counter with tears in her eyes,

. "Tank you so much! The village will be so happy."

"It's nothing my dear Shima. I remember when you came here your first time like it was yesterday." Mr. Gold says as he gets the notes that he needed.

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