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I asked Luke if he still talked to Abby which he said yes and I was pretty bothered. Not the fact that they still talked but the fact he never told me they still talked. He told me they didn't talk anymore and now he's saying that they do? Like were you lying to me the whole time or did you start talking and didn't bother telling me you were. Im debating whether to tell him I know he cheated or not. But I honestly think no. He'll be mad and assume that I'm lying or made it up. I don't know I'm unsure. And then in top of that if I say that she's faking her pregnancy. No, fuck that. Going to make things worse, anyways me and Adam are together to celebrate my birthday in Starbucks , at least he fucking remembered.

Adam was reading the note that was left in my locker. "Holy shit this was you in Sophomore year?!" He started to laugh.

"Shut up." I snatched the picture out of his hands.

"What? 'You look so beautiful and nerdy.'" He mocked the words in the note.

"Remind me never to share something I believe is secret to you. Because you aren't a serious type of person." She looked away.

"My bad." He still laughed. "But I think it's sweet, in a weird-creepy stalker way."

"That's what I thought!" She put the note inside her book bag and drank her hot chocolate.

"What do you want for your birthday Maddie?"

"I don't know to be honest."

"Come on there has to be something. A video game? A laptop, or a stuffed animal." She looked up at him.
"Aha! Something you want was in that list. Right?" She nodded and he smiled at her. "Come on, let's go to Queens Mall."

"Alright." They got up and headed to the train station.

"This one cute! No this one is cutter ! ADAM LOOK HOW SOFT THIS PILLOW IS!"

Adam was laughing at her reaction. "You really are adorable you know that right?" They were in Macy's bedroom section and were looking at pillows with different colors and different texture.

"I know a good place! Hot Topic, come on its in the same floor." They walked to Hot Topic and Maddison freaked. "ADAM LOOK AT THIS AVENGED SEVENFOLD SHIRT!" She kept running around while finding other shirts. "But this Pierce the Veil Is good too! It's from their new album!"

"Choose something and I'll buy it" Adam said. She looked up at him.

"You sure? Hot topic is a bit pricey."

"It okay, it is your birthday after all. Buttttt on one condition."

"Which is?"

"Give me your phone."

"Hmm, deal." She gave him her phone and picked several shirts of Avenged Sevenfold, Pierce The Veil and some necklaces as well.

"You're total will be. 160 dollars sir."

"Alright." Adam took out his wallet and swiped his card. As they kept looking around he bought her a new bed set she wanted, a laptop and a new pillow. After they went downstairs choose her favorite place of the food court and grabbed her usual. White rice, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese and chicken. Adam grabbed the same thing and they sat down at a table.

"Thank you. This is my favorite thing to get. I haven't been here since last year."

"I'm glad."

"But seriously thank you for everything but how are we going to get home?"

"You'll see." They finished eating and headed upstairs to the main floor and walked outside. Outside was a black car and a chafer. As they neared the car the person grabbed all the bags from Adams hands and put them in the trunk.

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