The "Talk"

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When I got home Luke was waiting outside my house door. "Fuck." Maddison and Adam went through her neighbors yard, jumped over the fence and went up some stairs that lead to the second floor. When they went inside they were in the kitchen.

"You live here?" He looked the kitchen table was made out of marble, high stool chairs along the side to sit in, about 14 cabinets up and down in total. The stove was huge. "You never told you were rich. What the fuck, you aren't one of the snob rich ones right?"

She looked at him with hatred for that comment. "Do I look like one?!"

He rose his hands up. "Alright not you, my bad."

They left the kitchen and went up the stairs by the right side. "My bedroom is right over here" She said, as soon as they reached the end of the stairs her room was the first door. Her room consists of a navy blue wall and medium bed in the middle and a closet by the window. The rest of her room was with drawers on the opposite side.

"Go inside!" She pushed him inside the closet. "I'll be back, I'm going to get him" She pulled out her phone and walked out.

Luke <3
3:36 Babe, i'm outside open?
3:38 Babe. Where are you ?
3:48 Hello? Been here outside for 10 minutes now. It's about to be 4:00 do you not see that?
4:15 Still waiting but ok.

Seriously, I had to walk home, you can wait outside.  Maddison opened the door, Luke was sitting in the steps of her house, he looked back at her.

"About fucking time." He let him self in the house.

"Luke, baby !" He walked passed by her without a kiss or hi.

"Are you going to explain why you took long?"

He set the coffee and sandwich on the table while sitting on a stool. She sat next to him taking a sip of her lukewarm coffee.

"I walked home." She simply said opening her sandwich. "Baconeggandcheese?" She says this so many times that now it's become a whole word.

"Yeah and why in the hell did you walk home. I told you I was going to pick you up, when I tell you I expect you to listen you know. Not just run off and change plans without my consent." He looked at her with disgust. "Made me wait so long the fucking coffee got cold."

She finished half her sandwich and drank some of her coffee. "And if you know me I prefer it warm or cold thank you very much." She continued eating her sandwich, "I'm going upstairs," she turned around halfway up. "Care to join?" She went upstairs as he followed, as she rolled up the aluminum foil into a ball she threw it playfully at him.

"Seriously? We're not little kids anymore" he said annoyingly

"Jeez, live a little. Don't grow up to fast you'll regret it." She walked inside her bedroom and sat on her bed. He looked at her questionably. "Sit" she said and so he did.

"What's up?" He sat away from her.

"What's wrong with you lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've changed" she felt a shift in the bed but didn't bother to see what he did. "What did you really do this summer?"

"I told you already. I worked. That's all"

"Did you meet someone?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Are going to answer" her voice trembled a bit but she kept her self strong.

"No. I didn't. There was some girls but nothing to worry about."

"Do you and Abby have something going on?"

"Where are you- Look me and Abby have nothing going on, you know me. I'm flirty but I'm always yours at the end of the day." He leaned in closer towards her. He rested his head on her lap. "Baby, I wouldn't cheat, I promised remember?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She turned on the T.V and they watched t.v.

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