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I hate this. What the fuck were they looking at each other for? I heard nothing from them this summer. At all like seriously? I'm going to ask Luke since Abby  doesn't want to freaking tell me anything. As the bell rang she went the same way to her locker, down the stairs, took a left, and headed straight and she looked up and froze. "Luke?" She muttered. Luke is leaning in and whispering into Abby's ear while she laughs and grabs him.

I feel like I'm going to puke. She ran out the school, tears streaming down her face, book bag draped over  left shoulder. Didn't even bother going to her locker.

I hate them. I hate him. I hate her. Why, why. What's going on , I hate them b- Maddie had fallen to the floor. She looked up and saw a white guy with short stubby black hair, with a white v-neck shirt, black sweater rolled up, light blue jeans and white vans. He was holding his hand out, "Need a hand beautiful?" Shocked , she nodded. He pulled her up with great force and she collided with his chest as the other hand on her back to keep her there.

"Hi." She said

"Ah, so she speaks."

"Shut up" she pushes him away playfully. "I was recovering from shock." He didn't let go, instead he kept her close to his chest.

"Did my sexiness shock you?"

"What?!" She blushed and looked away, "Stop being ridiculous!" She looked back at him, she noticed his dark-brown eyes matched perfectly with his skin tone.

"What you staring at huh?" He smirked

"How stupid you look that's all."

"Yeah okay," he finally let go, she didn't realize she was tipping toeing all this time, he's actually quite taller than Luke. "It's cold, you want Starbucks? A coffee will make you warmer." He said as he picked up her book bag

"Oh you don't need to carry my bag"

"You a marvel fan?"

"Yes. Why?" He gave a face of like 'seriously you're gonna ask me that question'

"Its pretty obvious." Then she realized her shield

"Oh yeah." She turned away shyly.

"Come on" he said walking down the block. "I'll buy you food and walk you home gorgeous."

Shocked for a moment she stood there and yelled "What's your name?!"

He stopped "Adam" he winked and kept walking.

Adam... I like that name. "Hey wait up!" She ran towards and they were side by side walking.

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