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~two weeks later~

Today I think was one of the best days I've ever had. Having the same classes with Luke is one of the best things that's happened. We always sit next to each other and work on our worksheets, opening activities and talk throughout the periods. During lunch we went out to Chipotle. After school we went to Coney, my suggestion. We had all left as a group and I left my bag in his car. We ended up ditching them and walked along the shore towards Brighton beach. Luke stopped me while the sun was setting. The sky was purple, blue, orange and slightly yellow. Having those colors in the sky was just incredible to watch. While I was looking at the sunset, how the reflection showed on the water. He tapped my thigh and I turned around to see him on the sand with one knee.

"What are you doing silly!" I chuckled. "You're going to get yourself dirty."

He laughed nervously and to be honest I don't think I've ever seen him get nervous. Not since he first asked me out in Freshman year that is. He gave me some speech that I forgot, except for these words. ' I love you Maddison, please. Let's have a promise of being together.' He was holding out a ring and I COMPLETELY lost it! I shrieked and gave him a kiss. He placed the beautiful silver ring on my ring finger. We walked until we found an exit and took the train back to Coney to get the car. We took multiple highways just to enjoy the night and the cool breeze. I had my window down all the time, as the wind pushed my hair out of face I laughed. Not for the fun of it but because the feeling of adrenalin. God it felt so good. After all that wonderful time he dropped me off at home at 8.

Maddison opened her door and as she did the home system security voice said. "Front door open."

"Any louder." She carefully went upstairs with her shoes in her hand and bookbag on her back. She knew exactly which stair creaked and which one didn't. As she creeped up the stairs and reached her room, she noticed it was open. "What the fuck?" She walked inside and saw her mom sitting at the foot of her bed. Fuck. Now I've done it.

She closed the door behind her, turned on the lights and walked towards her bed. Sat away from her mother as she placed her bookbag on the floor.

"Why are you late?"

"I was with Luke, we went out. Don't worry I ate already." She laid down and looked up at her ceiling.

I remember when Me and Janet were obsessed with the stars that we begged our parents to buy the glowing star shits. My did the honors and glued them to the ceiling and then every time me and Janet had sleep overs we'll laugh and giggle and 'count the stars' till we eventually fall asleep.

"Did you hear what I said Maddison?"

I didn't even realize my mother was talking to me. "What happened?" Maddison turned her head to face her.

"I said that I don't want you out late like this. At least tell me where you are so I can know. Don't want to file a report for a missing child."

"Oh, yeah sure. I'll tell you next time."

"Okay sweetie." She rose up and went to Maddison. "Goodnight baby, sleep well okay?" She kissed her forehead. No matter how old she got she'll always love her mums kisses. Maddisons mother looked down at her hand.

Oh shit, please don't say anything. Maddisons mum walked away.

"I will." Maddison responded as her mum left the room while turning off the lights and closing the door.

Still Figuring It OutOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant