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"Andrew!" Jade yelled from my office chair and I peeked up from my laptop.

"I'm right here babe, no need to shout. What's up?" I asked scrolling through my emails.

"Where is all this extra money coming from? The only time you go out is with the guys to do 'gang stuff'. And you can't just pull it out of your ass." She says raising her eyebrows setting the money down. She liked to count it and be like our own personal accountant. She was pretty good with money. So we let her.

"I have my resources babe. No need to worry." I say nonchalantly and look back to my screen. She sighs and sets the money down.

"Andrew. Let me rephrase that for you. As in it's not a question anymore. Where did the extra money come from." She said narrowing her eyes at me. I swallowed not wanting to tell her.

"Jade it's no big deal, just continue on." She shakes her head and stands abruptly.

"You wanna keep your secrets fine. So can I." She says and walks out. I was confused but I didn't know how to respond to that.

"Wolf!" I yelled and he came into view in the doorway.

"What do you want now? Any leads on Jade's mom?" He asks as he takes a seat.

"No. Unfortunately. But do you know what's going on with Jade? She's been awfully.... moody? I figured maybe she'd tell you." I ask. He smirks.

"Not a damn clue brother. What's up? Trouble in paradise?" He smirks some more as I roll my eyes.

"She asked about the extra money and I didn't have the heart to tell her. I don't want her worrying cause that's what she does best. Worry. She then got mad and said "You wanna keep your secrets fine. So can I." I wanna know what she means. I already know everything about her." I run my hand down my face and Wolf shrugs.

"I couldn't tell you. I haven't noticed. She's. Been a peach to me." He says with a smile. I roll my eyes.

"You have the upper hand with the whole sibling bond thing you two share. But I don't want that. I just want her to open up to me."

"Man you should be talking to her about this. But since you're a pussy I guess I'll have Aaron do it." He says and I look at him through narrowed eyes.

"Good luck with that Bradley."


It just doesn't make since. I looked at the money last month and it's basically tripled its amount. He's hiding something and I'm determined to find out what it is. I really needed a woman around right now. I wonder how Bella is. It would kill me to see her again anyways. But for the sake of Tyler I hope she sought out a surgeon. He deserves his mom. Hell I did too but I got royally screwed in the 'parent department'.

There was a soft knock on the door and I sighed. Andrew can kiss the ground I walk on right now. Asshole.
Then another knock.

"Andrew go away. I don't wanna talk to your secret keeping ass right now." I grumbled as I slid under the blankets of the bed.

"It's not Andrew sweets." Aaron sounded. I sat up and yelled come in. He did. He came and sat on the side of the bed.

"What's going on with my little Jadey?" He asked gently. I sighed and leaned back against the headboard.

"Fucking Andrew is keeping secrets and how can I be open to him when he's not with me?" I asked and closed my eyes.

"He just doesn't want you to worry Jade. You're a good worrier." He said with a chuckle.

"Why would I worry? Is it illegal? Dangerous? Oh sweet Jesus please tell me he didn't kill anyone!" I gasped while covering my mouth with my hand.

"Yes. And yes. But no to the last part." He sounded so calm.

"What?! Aaron you better tell me right now!" I said while standing up. He smiled.

"I'm not here to talk about that. What's going on with my Jadey?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"I can't tell you. If I should talk to anyone about this it's Colton. He deserves it." He stood quickly.

"I'll get him then." He started to walk past me but I grabbed his arm.

"No Aaron. You can't. I just don't know." I said as I started crying. His playful expression gone and now all of his features softened. He pulled me into a hug while I cried into his black V-neck.

"Tell me what's going on Jade."


Wow. I couldn't even begin to process what Jade had told me. I was shocked to the core. Damn. She'd asked me not to tell anyone so that's what I'll do. I can't spill the beans to the guys on this one. Cannot be me. But I feel for her on why she wanted to tell Colton first even though she ended up telling me. Me and her are the only ones to know about it and I know I'm gunna get pressured to answer them.

"So what's up with her?" Andrew asked as I entered the kitchen. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer. Cracked it open and started drinking. I couldn't tell them.

"Nothing. But I suggest you tell her about the money Andrew or she won't tell you her secret. Cause I sure as hell ain't telling you. No offense but it's not even my place." I say chugging more of the liquid.

"Why the fuck not?" Andrew said through clenched teeth.

"Because it's not my place! Just tell her about the damn extra money Drew! Trust me it's important!!" I yelled and walked out the back door and sat down at the picnic table. I just starred out at the setting sun and drank. Then I had the company of Colton.

"She wanted to tell you. Should've let her tell you." I said shaking my head. How the fuck was I supposed to keep this to myself? I didn't know how but all I knew was I needed too.

"Why me?" He asked cracking open his beer bottle.

"You deserved to be told something like that at least once in your life. That's what she said to me anyway. But I get it." He looked confused but he just sat with me and starred at the setting sun.

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