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I couldn't even keep my guard up when I went to visit the crazy hot sex god in prison! What if he tells the guys! Holy shit I'd be dead. Ma and dad would kill me.

While I was driving on the interstate I called the guys.

"Hello little Jade! How'd the visit go?" Bradley's voice rang through the phone, I could tell I was on speaker so they all could hear.

"It went fan-fucking-tastic Bradley. Now what are you boys going to do for me in return for the favor?" I asked keeping my focus on the road.

"That wasn't part of the plan sweets. Sorry should have brought it up before you agreed." Aaron I could tell said I to the phone. I let out a aggravated sigh.

"Boys, if you don't at least pay me I'll castrate you all with my bare hands and a rusty spoon. Now do you want that?" I asked and their laughter came to an abrupt stop.

"Jade you do know that we could kill you before you could even finish the word castrate right? Why you gotta be so hostile. Damn." Colton piped in. I rolled my eyes.

"You'd be doing me a favor." I mumbled hoping they couldn't hear.

"What was that?" They said in unison.

"Nothing. I'm hanging up now. Bye!" I called before pushing the big red FUCK YOU button.

I finally pulled into the driveway of my parents small 2 bedroom house. It was wooden on the outside with a brick chimney and it actually looked homey with the flower bushes on either side of the front doorstep. But this place was everything but homey. This place was hell with four walls. Inside is where my two un-employed abusive alcoholic parents lived. I'm only 19 but they won't let me move out. They said if I left them then they would hunt me down and kill me. Even though I welcomed death at this point in my young life I didn't want it to be at the hands of my abusive mother, and my alcoholic abusive father. My mother didn't drink like my father did but she hit me just as much. She verbally and physically abused me. That's why they pulled me out of school.

My mother and father beat me so bad that they'd keep me home from school so they didn't get suspicious. Then they just forced me into 'homeschooling' because it would be easier. I hated it but I couldn't help myself. I was stuck with this shitty ass fate and I have to live with it until it eventually kills me.

I walked up to the big wooden door and I was about to unlock the door when it was suddenly flung open by my father. His angry drunken eyes bored into my dark chocolatey eyes. He gripped my shirt and pulled me inside the house that reeked of beer and cigarettes.

"Where the fuck have you been bitch?! I've been wanting my lunch for a god damn hour now!" My father roared. I flinched back and that only infuriated him more.

"Make yourself useful and get to the kitchen you fat cow! Make me and your mother food then you can clean this place up until I say good enough!" He yelled and slapped me, he then walked into the living room where I could hear the tv playing a show, sounded like football but I didn't really care.

I went to the kitchen and made two sandwiches for my god awful parents. We didn't have much food because my parents haven't received their food stamps yet this Week and we were running low. My parents are on all of the systems in the state to get by. They get paid for all sorts of things so that they can by more of their basic necessities. But really they waste it one beer and cigarettes. We've had our power shut off before because they've neglected the bills. I'm surprised we aren't homeless yet but I'm pretty sure dad pawns Ma off for money. She willingly prostitutes herself. Makes me sick.

I walked into the living room and I passed them their plates. Apparently I gave attitude while doing so so my father stood up and punched me in the stomach and face.

"You little bitch! You wanna disrespect me and your mother when we've been so good to you! I think you need to watch your attitude before I just feed your bloody body to the wolves! Then it'd be good riddance to us!" He roared and tears went down my cheeks from the pain.

"S-stop it," I croaked out. I started coughing up blood from the blow my father just gave me for talking back. I don't normally. I normally just take it so I don't have to worry about anything else happening to me before I'm sure I'm ready.

"You will learn to respect me and your mother or I will kill you! No hesitation. No remorse." He growled and threw me to the ground. I stood and walked out of the living room and towards my room.

It was after 11:30 now and it was pitch black outside. My parents had passed out drunk no more than a hour ago. I took this as my opening to head out for a fresh breath of air before they woke up. I headed out to my car and drove into town. I parallel parked in front of a store in town and got out. I started walking embracing the cool night air. Wheezing every now and again if my pace quickened.

I was walking by a alley when I was grabbed by manly hands. I went to scream by my mouth was covered by a hand. I was pushed up against the brick wall of the building and held there tightly. I finally saw who had taken me from the sidewalk.


I hated Derek. No matter what we went through together. He is my ex because he cheated on me and he treated me just as badly as my parents. I wasn't going to stay in a relationship like that. No way. Not if I could help it. Derek was crazy and he harassed me every chance he got.

"Hello, love" he said darkly. I swallowed.

"I'm letting your mouth go now, and you will not scream. Or I will cut you into little pieces and mail you to the fucking prison with a sweet little letter for Grim. Got it?" I nodded. I knew Grim was Andrew. They called him that because he took lives like the Grim Reaper. That's why he's the leader of The Reapers.

"What do you want now Derek?" I asked hoarsely.

"I want you Jade, and I will have you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow or this year. But I will have you." He said darkly before pushing off me and walking away into the darkness.

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