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I was going through the guys' old photo album and I stumbled upon a picture of the four of them when they were younger.

The tallest I could tell was Bradley, the second tallest was Andrew, the third tallest and was Colton, and the shortest was Aaron. They were all so freaking cute!

The guys were 'out' doing something I'm sure was related to the gang. They've been gone for a couple hours so I was home all alone.

Then the doorbell went off. I threw on my sweatshirt and walked downstairs. Andrew would be throwing a fit about me getting the door alone but we'll.... he's not here. I opened the door and saw Bella. She was crying, she had tear stained cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. She had Tyler with her. He looked confused.

"Bella? What's wrong?" I asked reaching out to pull her into a hug. This caused her to sob harder.

"T-The doctors t-told m-me that I'm a l-lost c-cause." She cried into my shoulder.

"What do they mean by 'lost cause' Bella?" I say softly rubbing her back.

"I have tumors all over me. Small ones, big ones. But the main one is the biggest and it's on my brain." She lets out softly so only I could hear. I had tears of my own running down my cheeks.

"Tyler wanna go play in your room? Mommy and I have to talk. I love you Ty." I say ushering him inside. Once I can't see him anymore I pull Bella into the living room. I pull her down to sit on the couch.

"Bella when did they tell you this? How big is it? I'm sure there are surgeries-" I started but she cut me off.

"They told me today because they are very shitty doctors. It's about the size of a ping-pong ball and is bound to get bigger. There are no surgeries because it's already to big, they say surgery would be too risky." Bella says wiping her eyes.

"Oh Bella- I'll talk to Colton and the guys and maybe we'll figure something out. Possibly get you a better doctor."

"Jade what am I going to do? I'll have to leave my son with a man that he just met basically. Yes he loves Colton but he's not fully to the point of living with him. I can leave my son right now- it's too soon." She says. "But it's my time, god has a plan and this is his plan. He has a specific plan for Tyler and Colton. I'm just not involved in that plan. And that's okay." She smiled weakly.

"I was 18." I started. "I found out I was pregnant with my ex boyfriend. Whom Andrew killed not Lon ago but that's besides the point. My parents were abusive and drunks so when they found out they made sure I lost it. I was 10 weeks. We were excited, mostly me because I could move out and be away from them. I never got to meet my baby but you did. My baby would be only a few days older than Tyler. You can't give up that easily Bella, you just can't for your son." I say wiping the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm so sorry Jade I really am. Maybe when I go to heaven I'll meet your little baby. I hope it's a wonderful as you. Jade I wanna get better but at the same time I don't. I wanna be with Tyler and watch him grow but I know I can't and the recovery might not even be well. Anything can happen during surgery and that would only cause me more pain. I'm okay with leaving them because I know Colton is a good dad and will do anything for his son." Bella said while standing.

"Where are you going?" I ask

"I'm going to go say goodbye to my son, and that I love him and I'll see him again someday. Please explain my wishes to Colton. I don't want to see him hurt. And tell him to take good care of our son and teach him responsibility and make sure he's happy. Also tell him to protect him and don't let him get hurt in his line of work. Bye Jade." She says and walked upstairs I sat on the couch and put my head in my hands.

I don't even know what to do. Bella is saying her final goodbyes to her son because she is about to die and she doesn't want him finding her dead body. I don't know wether to tell the guys or not. I dug out my phone and called Andrew.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Andrew I need to speak with Colton right now!" I say while sniffling.

"Jade whats wrong? Why are you crying?" Andrew asks

"Andrew Patrick! Give the damn phone to Colton! It's an emergency!" I yelled at him.

"Jade what's wrong?" Colton asked.

"Bella is dying." I whispered. "She's brought Tyler here because she has a ping-ping ball sized tumor on her brain that's killing her by the second. They can't remove it and she doesn't want them to. She's leaving Tyler here and saying her goodbyes because she doesn't want to die at home and have him find her body. God damnit Colton I tried talking her into a different doctor and possibly surgery but she didn't want it! She said this is gods plan for her and you and Tyler. Please try and help her. She's leaving soon." I said as I started bawling.

"Jade calm down, I'm on my way don't let her leave." He said calmly but hen I heard Bradleys voice.

"Hey Jadey I heard it's okay you just need to calm down we're on our way." He says softly trying to calm my hysterics.

"No Bradley! She's dying and refusing treatment! She could live but she's choosing death!" I yelled. I heard the front door click shut.

"Mother fucker!" I yelled and ran to the door I saw a note taped to it.

Dear Jade,
I wanna thank you for sharing your story with me. Also I wanna thank you for dealing with my stubborn ass. Please make sure Colton and Tyler are happy. I'm not sure how death works but I'll try and find your baby, I'll tell him/her all about you and their (pretty much) step daddy. I will stick around as a ghost and watch over you all. Please make sure Tyler knows and understands my wishes when he's older. I love you all.
- Bella Lynn
P.S change Tyler's last name to Worall. And I'll make sure your dad doesn't harm you anymore. I'll talk to the big guy upstairs and see what he can do about that man. Love you Jade.

I started crying hysterically into the phone. I heard Bradleys voice again.

"Jadey what's going on?" He asked softly but firmly.

"She's gone Bradley. I have to go. Be with Tyler." I whispered.

"No Jade! Leave him in his room until we get there. Do not let him see you like this! Bella probably told him something gentle and sweet for his little ears. Don't confuse him by your tears Jade." He says. I started crying. What kind of person am I? I let her leave.

"Goodbye Bradley." I said and hung up the phone.

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