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"What the fuck!?" Jade yells and throws her book down on the bed. She runs her hands through her long dark brown hair and sighs.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Even though I knew something happened in her story.

"The freaking girl met this guy... and they knew each other for like a day and they're fucking! Like holy hell! Books really like to just jump into the dirty huh?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Well I guess it depends on the book, long stories might wait until halfway through it or so to bring sex into it. Then others might be on the third chapter and it's like BAM! Sex." I say sipping my coffee as I scroll through my group conversation on my laptop. I'm talking with other gangs about finding Jades mother. We haven't come in contact with her yet but I don't really want to. The element of surprise is key.

"Yeah I guess you're right... but still these fucking horny characters, my once virgin eyes are no more. My eyes are such sluts." She says as she started laughing. Then there was a loud knocking on our door.

Jade jumped up and opened the door, we came to see a crying Tyler.

"Auntie! You're still here!" He cried and jumped into Jades arms.

"Of course baby, is never leave you. Why are you crying?" She asks rubbing his head while she hugged him.

"I had a bad dream. That you left me like mommy did. Only you didn't say bye." He cried a little more. My heart broke for the poor boy. I know all too well what this was like.

"Oh no Tyler, I could never leave you. Especially without saying goodbye. I love you buddy." She said softly as he nuzzled closer into her neck. Colton came barreling into the room and relaxed once he saw Tyler.

"Buddy you scared me, I went to check on you and you weren't there." He said running a hand through his hair.

"I had a bad dream about auntie leaving me like mommy did. Only she didn't say bye." He said as he walked over to his father.

"Oh Ty." Colton said as he hugged him.

"Auntie would never leave you."

"I know she promised she wouldn't." He mumbled. Colton stood with Tyler in his arms still he mouthed a 'thank you' to Jade as she nodded and closed the bedroom door behind them.

"I hate seeing him hurting Andrew. I really do." She mumbled walking towards the bed and setting her book on the night stand. "I need some Vodka and a year of sleep."



When I woke up the next morning Andrew was draped over me and holding me tightly against his chest. It was warm and I felt safe. Then the door flew open. I jumped up and I noticed all the guys walking in and Colton had Tyler on his shoulders.

"Happy birthday Grim!" They all yelled. Andrew was rubbing his eyes and he yawned.

"Thanks guys but come on, you know it's just like any other normal day." He says with a smile.

"What?! You only turn 26 once buddy!" Aaron yelled.

"Shut up Aaron you're still a child. You're 25." I said playfully rolling my eyes. He glared at me.

"I still got more beef than you princess. Plus I'm still older than you." He crossed his arms. I laughed.

"By a month Aaron! And month!"

"A month older than you so shut it Jadey."

"Enough! Dang you both are children. Here's a card from all of us. You're one hard man to shop for." Bradley says handing Andrew the card.

"Jade wanna do the honors of reading it to me?" He asked holding it out to me. I rolled my eyes.

"So dang lazy." But I opened it nothing less.

Dear Grim, happy birthday you old bastard. Man Jadey wasn't kidding when she said you're impossible. You may be stubborn as a mule and have very little patience and yes sometimes you think you're the king shit. But we wouldn't want you any other way. We love you man. Have a happy birthday!

~ Love, Wolf, Wraith, and Jade, and Tyler. Oh and (Hashtag) haha.

"King shit huh?" He asked raising a eyebrow with a small smirk on his face. "Bet I could still kick all your butts in football." He says cockily.

"Well I suck at football so that wouldn't take much." I said while laughing.

"Wanna settle this King Cocky? You're so going down." Bradley says. I smile and take Tyler into my arms.

"Let's go buddy. The boys are gunna say some big boy words but you'll hear them a lot. Just don't repeat them mister." I told him getting serious. He smiles and nods.

"Okay auntie."


"Shit! Who knew the old man could still play after all these years?" Colton yells as he sits on the grass drinking his water. They have been playing all morning and Andrew was determined to prove them all wrong. Granted he was still more fit than them. But the game came pretty close.

"28-15 I think you all lost your game. I can clearly still play just as good as I could in high school." Andrew says and I stiffen. I remember not being able to attend the games or Pep Rally's. All because my parents fucked me over.

"Oh, shit sorry Jade I forgot." Andrew says and all their laughter died down.

"Don't be. My past is mine own to deal with. Don't let me get in the way of remember your glory days. I'm just going to go read some more or watch tv. Have fun boys." I say clearing my throats and walking inside the house.

I went into the bedroom and into the bathroom. I turned the water on and I stepped under the little peddles of water. I remembered vividly the day my parents told me they were pulling me from school.

"Bitch. It's too risky having you exposed. Not to mention you having to miss school so much because of your own stupidity. Of course they wouldn't believe you bringing the lessons upon yourself. Cause you'd spread your legs for the god damn principal! That's how your passing." My dad yelled as he slammed his beer bottle down on the table next to the couch.

"But you can't pull me from school! I've worked so hard with my legs closed to get the grade I have! You can't rip my future away from me like this!" I yelled with tears threatening to fall. I would not let them see me weak.

"You dare talk back to me?! You are leaving school and that's final! You will serve your purpose and take care of things around the house! Like women were put on this earth to do! Now shut the fuck yo and get me another beer while making me a sandwich!" My father yelled throwing his now empty beer bottle at the wall. It shattered into a million little pieces. I winced and mentally groaned knowing if have to clean that.

It wasn't until later that night did my father and mother beat me for talking back. One day when and if I have kids. I'd never let them question their worth to me. They'd always know they were loved. Cause they definitely would be.

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