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"It was about four years ago... I had been with Derek for about seven months. Yes I know it wasn't a long time. But we were happy- then I found out I was pregnant. We couldn't have been happier. We kept things hush-hush because of my dad and mom. My dad found out somehow, don't ask me how cause I don't know. But when he next saw me he called me awful things. He had beaten me. And once he was sure that I had miscarried he said he'd always make sure I couldn't be happy like I had taken that from him when I was born. That broke Derek in the worst of ways." I say quietly wiping the tear sliding down my cheek. I saw Andrew look at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Im pretty sure that man ruined any chance of happiness for me becoming a mom. He may be dead but who knows what he can do from hell? I don't know if I'd ever want to chance it." I say brushing across my empty flat stomach.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Jade. Makes me wonder if I hadn't of been the asshole I was and got thrown in Jail I could have prevented things like that happening to you." He says taking my hand, I smiled sadly at him.

"No Andrew- without the assistance from him I would have a kid right now. Around the same age as Tyler. I might even still be with Derek. Then you and I would never have a chance." I say and his gaze turns sad.

"Jade do we have a chance? Why can't you be like Bella and want away from my lifestyle? And be safe?" He asks.

"Because no matter how hard I've tried Andrew, I just can't resist you. As a matter of fact I don't even care if I get hurt anymore, and I know that when I'm with you I'm safe."

"Do you want me Andrew? Can you picture me with any other man besides yourself?" I asked starring at him questionably. He swallowed.


"Then what's stopping you?" I asked back rubbing small circles on his hand.

"I'm too dark for you Jade, I wish you would understand that." He mumbled.

"Sometimes darkness, can show you the light. And I've seen the light with you Andrew. You're home for me." I said softly, he looked up from our hands and stared at me. He quickly pulled me closer to him and smothered me with a heart-stopping kiss. I wrapped my hands around his neck as we continued to share this passionate kiss. Finally he broke away with our foreheads touching.

"Jade Smith, what have you done to me?"


"Is that why you are so close to Tyler? Why you hold him so dearly when he sits with you?" Andrew asked once we pulled into the driveway. I nodded.

"Yes, maybe even my baby died so Tyler could be born? His birthday is a few weeks after I was suspected to deliver. I don't know, just a thought." I say unbuckling.

"Maybe but I wouldn't count it. Don't worry about future kids babe, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." Andrew says getting out of the truck.

"Can you control the dead? Cause I don't think you can protect me from some psycho ass spirit known as Jacob Smith." I say walking next to him grabbing his hand. He smiles.

"I don't think you realize how important family is to me, babe. I can and will do anything to protect you from him. I'll get the damn pope to sprinkle some Holy water on you and your belly or something." I start laughing at him. We opened the door and heard little squeals.

"Auntie!" Tyler yells as he plows into me. Good thing Andrew was right behind me or I probably would have fallen.

"Hey Ty! I didn't know you were coming over today, what do I owe the pleasure too?" I asked running my fingers through his hair. He smiles.

"I can't see my favorite auntie?" He says cheekily.

"Ah a charmer, the ladies will LOVE you kid. But of course you can! I love you Tyler!" I say and he giggles.

"Wanna play Legos with me?" He asks bouncing on his feet.

"Logos?! Now how could I ever pass that offer up?" I fake enthusiasm. He laughs and drags me into the living room. Andrew chuckles from behind us and follows. We see Bella and Colton in a heated conversation but they quickly shut up when Andrew clears his throat.

"Hey buddy! Ready to go home? Daddy says he has something important to tend to so he can't make it to supper. Maybe another night baby." I look at her with disgust. She's really trying to make Colton look like ditcher and a bad father because they had a argument. Not gunna fly with me. Tyler frowns.

"But mommy I wanted to play Legos with auntie."

"Sorry baby but we should get going so daddy can finish what he needs to finish." She says grabbing his coat off the hanger I stop her.

"Um Bella with all due respect you shouldn't frame your sons father for doing something that he didn't just cause you two had a argument. Colton would never blow his son off, but now you're trying to make your son hate him just as much as you do. Tyler deserves his father and he deserves the chance to have one before you make Colton out to be the bad guy." I say taking Tyler's coat out of her hands.

"And maybe you two should work that out before you just fly like a bat out of hell with him out of here. Try to keep things civil. It's easier that way." I say walking with Tyler back into to living room.

"Colton Worall get your butt out there and deal with this mess before you loose your son, she just tried taking him home and telling him you were basically blowing him off. Fix. It." I said between clenched teeth. God I hate nothing more than parents who try and take their kids away without good reasoning. Bad parenting.

"What?! Oh he-heck no!" He says storming out into the entry way. Andrew was on the couch with a blanket around him. He was playing on his phone too engrossed in it to notice me or Tyler. We snuck up behind him and screamed 'BOO!' Andrew shot up from the couch and yelled.

"What the fuck!" I slapped his back hard so he realized Tyler was in the room.

"Oh shit," he muttered. I slapped him again.

"Tyler let's go build a Lego jail to put uncle Drew in for saying naughty words."

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