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I have a son. A freaking son. That I didn't even know existed until yesterday. What am I going to do? I'm too young to be a parent, to be responsible for another life.

Tyler looks just like me especially when I was younger. Bella looks the same too. I never thought I'd see her again after our drunken 'night of passion' as some girls would call it. But she's still beautiful nothing less. When I saw the little boy run up to me at the beach I had a feeling, but I really didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Bella and I wanted to sort out some sort of agreement after Tyler gets more comfortable with me. She realized that I wasn't going to give him up and she decided this was the best way. She also said "Tyler needs a stable father figure in his life, just leave us out of the gang shit." So that's what I'll do. They are both coming over today so the three of us can go to Chucky-Cheese. Tyler said he really wanted to go and I'm a sucker for the puppy dog face.

"What time is Bella and Ty coming over?" Aaron asked grabbing a water from the fridge.

"In about a half hour, what are you doing today?" I asked writing stuff down for 'Tyler's bedroom must have list' Bella said I needed one so what I set up his room here, for when we get to that point.

"Going with Wolf to check out the neighboring gang, supposedly they are selling guns illegally and Grim asked us to check it out. So mainly some ass kicking - then maybe a little more ass kicking. The usual." He said taking a long sip from the bottle.

"Oh I see, I'd love to go honestly but I gotta go get my boy comfortable with me." I say doodling on the side of the list.

"Relax man, he'll come around. Hell the kid walked right up to you- and complete stranger at the beach because you look like him. He's not that shy." Aaron said with a chuckle as he patted my shoulder.

"I know I know, he must get that from me. I was the same way. I just hope Bella doesn't change her mind." I sighed and closed the notebook.

"I doubt she will, she wants her son to have a dad, especially when you are trying to make a effort. He's resent her for the rest of his life if he grew up without a dad and she could have done something about it." He says before walking out and leaving me in solitude.


I found out yesterday that I love the sound of Tyler's little giggles. He made me realize something of importance. I wanted something to hold near and dear to me for the rest of my life like Colton who now has Tyler.

Obviously I don't want a baby-just yet. But I want something of meaning and I think I know just the thing. A tattoo. I've wanted one since I turned 16 but I could never get one. But now I can. I'm not sure how Andrew will feel about me getting something so permanent, but it's not his choice to make. Plus has he seen Aaron? That boy has a goddamn sweater of tattoos. On his neck and everything. In an odd way I kinda find it hot, but I don't see Aaron in that way. Just his tattoos and body. Mmmm.

I was laying in bed reading when I decided I wanted it today. So I yelled.


He came quicker than expected but it made me happy.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I wanted to talk to you about something important. But before you say anything about it I want you to know the decision has been made. Whether you like it or not." I say shutting the book and planting my hands on my lap.

"Maybe-unless it's too crazy for my liking." He says narrowing his eyes at me. I rolled mine and let out a breath.

"I want a tattoo, today."

"Not happening."

What? "Andrew yes it is. No arguing."

"No it's not Jade, I just said no." He said while he stood from the end of the mattress.

"Andrew. Yes. It. Is." I grunted out standing as well.

"Why do you even want to ruin your perfectly soft skin with ink? It's not that important." He breathes.

"Because it is important to me. I want something that I can hold near and dear to me just like how Colton has Tyler. He just met him yesterday and he already loves the hell out of the kid." I say softly. Andrew nods and smirks.

"I could give you what Colton has if you'd like?" He says cheekily.

"I don't want a baby Andrew, and certainly not yours." I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

"What's wrong with my seeds?" He asked almost offendedly.

"Nothing, I just don't want your 'seeds' mixing with my soil. So no. A tattoo works for now Andrew." I say shuffling into the bathroom turning the water in the shower on.

I hear his muffled laugh from the other side of the door before I heard him yell.

"We'd make the best flowers Jade!" I rolled my eyes but laughed anyways.

"Can we stop with the plant antics now, I've got the urge to plant something now." He laughs again before I heard the bedroom door click shut.


"That was so fun daddy!" I heard Tyler yell as the three of them walked into the house.

"I'm glad you had fun pal." He said ruffling his short brown hair.

"Alright Tyler we walked him inside, now we gotta go home so you can get ready for your nap. Then we'll have dinner and play for a bit before bed." Bella said as she bent down to Tyler's level. He completely ignored his mother once he saw me. His smile grew from ear to ear as he bounded towards the couch and leaped on me.

"Auntie Jade!" He yelled as he wrapped his arms around me neck and squeezed.

"Opfff, you're quite lovey today aren't you?" I asked as I hugged him back.

"Yeah, daddy held me up here." He said as he patted his shoulders, "and he said that everything the light touches is our kingdom! Isn't that cool!" He yelled. I smiled and started laughing as I looked towards Colton.

"Colton Worall! What have you done to your poor child?! He doesn't deserve to be told things that big until he is ready to inherit it all, now he's gunna be a impatient little bugga." I said as I stood. Aaron then walked into the room.

"Oh look, it's uncle Scar."

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