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Mommy told me that she had to go away and I'd have to live with Daddy and Aunt Jade. She also said that she loved me and she'd see me again some day. She had told me to be a good boy for her. I agreed because I love mommy and daddy and aunt Jade. I like it at daddies house. It's pretty.

"Hey Ty." And Jade said when she came in my room.

"Hey auntie!"

"You look like a happy boy, having fun?" She asked sitting down on my race car bed.

"I am! Mommy told me I get to live here with you and daddy now! But I'm sad cause mommy said she can't." I said looking down at my blocks.

"It's okay Tyler, mommy will see you again. But not for awhile. Trust me daddy is going to try and figure it out okay? We love you buddy." Auntie said.


While I was hugging Tyler he looked down at the note Bella had written me.

"What's that auntie?" He asked.

"A letter from mommy."

"Oh, how come I didn't get one?" He asked. I smiled sadly down at him.

"Because you got hugs and kisses from her, I just get a letter." He nodded.

"Can I take a nap? I'm sleepy." He says while yawning.

"Of course baby." I say lifting him and tucking him into his race car bed.

"Have a good nap buddy, I'll be right downstairs when you wake up. I love you." I said then kissed his forehead. He was already sleeping. I guess he was tired.

I turned around and saw Colton in the doorway. He looked sad but he didn't shed a tear.

"Who's going to be his mom now? What if I do something wrong and it messes him up? I can't fail him Jade I just can't." He says looking at his sleeping son.

"You won't Colton. You'll be a great dad, I know it. Wanna know how I know it? Because you're a great brother, friend, and protector. You protected me at school from all the mean guys and girls, well you Aaron and Bradley. There's no doubt in my mind that you won't be a great dad." I say and kiss his cheek.

"What should I do about Bella?" He asks.

"I don't know the answer to that. She seemed pretty content with her choice. But I'm not." I say when we walked out of Tyler's room.

We walked downstairs where I was immediately pulled into a hard chest I've come to know as Andrew's. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"How ya feelin'?" He asked against my hair.

"Like I needed this hug." I mumbled.

"Don't you ever fucking hang up on me again Jade!" Bradley yelled.

"Whatever Bradley if you'd had the day I've had you wouldn't give a shit either." I grumbled back. He huffs and plops down on the couch.

"Now I know why I'm single."

"Cause your stupid?" Aaron asked. Bradley gave him a glare.

"No because women are too damn complicated!"

"There is a two year old sleeping upstairs Bradley so shut up!" I quietly yelled. He mumbled a 'shit' but stayed quiet.

"Wanna go upstairs and nap?" Andrew asked and I nodded.

He carried me upstairs to our room and he threw me down. He crawled over me and went to plop down next to me but I held him there. I reached up and wrapped my hands in his hair as I pulled his head down to kiss him.

He wrapped his hands around my hips and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I moaned against his lips. He grunted in approval. I tugged at the hem of his shirt and he slipped it off. He then did away with my shirt.

"I love you Jade." He grumbled as he kissed me again.

"I love you too Andrew." I said back. He slid my pants off and I undid his belt.

Soon we were naked and laying together as if we were made to fit perfectly. I know it sounds cliché but I don't care we did. He positioned himself at my entrance. He slowly slid in me but he was going to slow so I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him closer. I moaned and he grumbled.

"Bloody hell Jade, you make my self control fly away." He mumbled against my neck.

"Loose it then, I don't really want slow and steady right now Andrew." I moaned out. He smirked and sped up his pace. I clenched around him as I lost myself in the pleasure. He soon followed.

He pulls out of me and curls me into his body.

"I meant what I said Jade. I do love you." He said while kissing my head.

I know, and I meant it when I said I love you too." Then we finally took a nap.

I was setting the table for dinner and Tyler was helping me.

"Wanna put the plates in front of each chair for me buddy?" I handed him the plastic plates. He wanted to help so there would be no glass plates tonight.

"What are we having?" He asked.

"We sir are having Mac and Cheese with ham inside. Sound yummy?" I asked and he nodded.

"Can I sit next to you?" He asked quietly.

"Of course you can buddy! I sit right here and uncle Drew sits here but Uncle Bradley can sit somewhere else so you can sit right next to me. Sound good?" I say bringing the hot pan over to the table.

"Yes!" He then sat down and I scooped some Mac and cheese on his plate.

"Dinner!" I yelled and they came barreling into the dining room.

"Bradley find a new seat Tyler's sitting next to me tonight." I say and point to the little boy in his spot.

"That's okay I'll sit across from him!" He smiled and makes his own plate. Andrew sat next to me and made his own plate and soon we were all ready to dig in. But Tyler's voice broke through the silence.

"Wait! We have to pray! Mommy told me to start praying before I eat because it's nice." He said and I smiled weakly at him and Colton.

"Wanna lead the way Ty?" I asked and he nodded. We all took each other's hands and looked down.

"Dear god, let this supper be yummy and mommy be happy. Amen." He says and starts digging in. I smile at him and we all soon followed.

Bad Things.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin