"She was?" Perrie asked, looking down at Jade sadly, perplexed and confused as to what was going on with her girl.  If something was bothering her then it was also bothering Perrie.  Plus, why hasn't Jade told her about this?

"Yeah.  I asked her if she was okay when it started getting later in the morning.  She didn't really answer, but I was able to coax it out of her and she said she's been staying up like this for the past week."

"Why?" Jesy asked for Perrie, the blonde now lost in her own world as she held Jade closer to her and started to whisper words of love into her ear, even though the petite girl wouldn't hear it.

"She wouldn't tell me that part, and I wasn't going to force her."

"Pez?  Do you have any idea what's going on?" Jesy questioned, both she and Leigh-Anne frowning when the blonde just looks up at them with a hopeless expression, looking extremely worried, confused, and also hurt.  "I'll take your puppy dog eyes as a no, then," Jesy continued, trying to keep things light and cheer up the younger girl.

"I'll find out," Perrie whispered, turning her head back down to focus on Jade's face, her features soft and angelic as they always are when the brunette is swept away to her dreams.



Perrie nuzzled her face into the crook of Jade's neck, leaning up a bit to nudge the tip of her nose against the brunette's jaw affectionately before resting gently against her chest, smiling to herself at the giggle that the older girl responded with, always a sucker for the blonde's cute little gestures.

"Yes, Pez?" Jade responded with an amused tone, kissing the top of Perrie's head and starting to run her fingers through the younger girl's blonde locks of hair.

"Are you okay?"  Might as well get straight to the point, eh?

Jade's fingers faltered in their ministrations before quickly picking back up again, though Perrie could still feel the smaller girl's body tense beneath her, she frowning and tightening her grasp around her waist and snuggling closer into her chest, knowing for sure now that something was wrong.

"What?" Jade asked, chuckling a bit and trying to cover up how easily her body gave her away.  "What do you mean, Perrie?"

The taller girl sighed and lifted her head from it's resting place, now resting her chin atop Jade's breasts (the girl giggling again at the position while Perrie stuck her tongue out at her before getting serious again) and gazing into her eyes.

"Baby, you were out like a log when Jesy brought you in earlier today.  You must not have slept for the entire night or something."

Jade placed her fingers gently under the blonde's chin and lifted her head up a bit, leaning her own face closer to the other girl's, giving her a brief eskimo kiss before just looking at her love's face and appreciating every detail.

"You're so silly, Pez.  I'll admit I didn't sleep last night, but I'm fine.  You're adorable for worrying though, and I appreciate how much you care about me."


Even if Leigh-Anne hadn't told her the truth earlier, she still would've picked up on Jade's tells.  1. Jade's vocabulary does not include the word "silly" unless they're in an interview and management wants her to keep up her innocent act.  2. Jade doesn't like to talk that formally when it's just she and Perrie.

Sure it may seem like a stretch, but Perrie knows her girl.

"I can't help but worry, babe.  You're everything to me.  I love you so much."

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