〖Chapter 24〗

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❝ Tweek's POV ❞

Walking up to the Tucker's house after I kinda rejected Craig was probably the second worst thing that day. The first? Walking up to the door and having to tell the parents that think you're weird that you wish to talk to their son even if he hates me.

"Why do you want to talk to Craig?" His father asked bitterly. I gulped down a lump in my throat.

"Gah! We-we have uh! Unfinished business?" I was trying to find words other than 'I wish to be your son's boyfriend.' As I didn't think he'd let me in.

"Unfinished business?" He asked with a kinda disgusted face which is when it clicked in my brain that that does sound a bit weird.

"AH! N-not like that!" I yelled back, pulling at my hair.

"Dad quit making him nervous." Craig hissed, pushing him out of the way. "And you, stop pulling your hair, freak." He sighed, taking my arm and pulling me upstairs.

"Room open mister!" His mom yelled up the stairway.

"No, I don't want anyone seeing us having sex!" He yelled back, at least I hope sarcastically.. He then slammed his door and sat on his bed. "What do you want, Tweek?" He quizzed, looking me up and down. This made my slightly uncomfortable but I do like him so..

"Erk! We need to ta-talk about yesterday." I twitched, regretting my choice of coming here in the first place.

"Nothing to say, I'm not interested anymore, moved on, done, bye Tweek." He shrugged, getting up and going on his computer.

"B-but ngh!"

"B-but nothing! I'm done with you." He cut my off. "Besides, my parents say I shouldn't be involved with you, let alone date you! You're a freak! They were right." Craig turned back to his computer, waiting for me to leave.

"Argh! Well if the st-stars said that you couldn't lo-ngh! Love me, are you telling me that would listen!?" I was about to cry.

"Did you steal that from a song?" He looked at me with one eyebrow raised. I did steal it, but only because he loves space and sometimes listens to that band.

"Ack! Maybe..." I twitched, still nervous. Craig laughed sincerely for a second before turning to me with a smile.

"You're so lame." He laughed a little more before getting up. He slowly leaned toward me and I towards him. We met in the middle for a kiss. Once we were separated he smiled at me. "Now that's how it was meant to happen late time." I laughed at his lame joke, kissing him again.

We might have started off hating each other but in the end we ended up a couple. Life is weird like that. But instead of the hell I thought was brought upon me, maybe running into him that one day was just pure luck.

So in the end Alexis started dating Butters again, who really changed after the whole bullying incident. Michala and Kenny are still as strong as ever. Stan and Kyle are still the couple everyone in South Park wishes they could be (personally I think Craig and I are better..) Cartman worked things out with Wendy again, who moved back to South Park for him Senior Year. Clyde and Token are engaged after 5 strong years of dating. And Jimmy got what he deserved, being sad and alone. Craig and I couldn't be more happy though and that's all that matters.

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