〖Chapter 16〗

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❝ Tweek's POV ❞

I was kind of surprised to wake up to all of my friends standing at my bed waiting for me to awaken, kind of creepy actually... But nonetheless it was a sweet gesture as literally no one else was visiting me. Not even my own parents would come visit me in the hospital this time due to the fact that they had to look after the coffee shop and they couldn't get anyone to fill the spot for a little while.

"Ah! H-hi guys..." I awkwardly greeted, rubbing some of the sleep from my eyes. I don't really know  how long they've been sitting there waiting for me to wake up really but even if it was just a second I'd feel both happy and bad... That sounds weird so let me explain myself. I'd feel happy because no one has ever done that for me, I've never just awoken to someone concerned for my well being. On the other hand I'd feel bad because well, they could've been waiting ages and I would never know. I just didn't think I was worth that much time wasting effort...

"Hi Tweek!" Alexis cheered, looking at me with a happy expression. Kenny just simply nodded and Michala smiled. I felt really awkward when the only person who talked only said two words and then the room flooded with silence once more.

"So I believe you owe us an explanation." Kenny broke the silence, giving me a scalding look. Kenny found every way to make me feel bad about anything I did. For example apologizing for the whole 'replacement' thing even if I had no clue what he was talking about!I swear this guy was some sort of magician or something... Actually that's a scary thought. What if Kenny is magic and he can kill me within seconds with just a glance. This is WAY too much pressure man!!

"Tweek!" Michala yelled, yanking me out of me sea of thoughts. All eyes in the room were on me, granted there were only three people in the room but still!

"I-I" I really didn't know if I should end this or not. On one hand I was thinking 'Yes Tweek you're fucking stupid for even starting this!'  But the other part of me was thinking 'Do you really want to make a disabled boy's life worse?'

"Tweek we already know that your lying to us about almost everything.." Michala spoke up.

"I didn't!!" Alexis yelled, looking really hurt. She quickly pushed this aside to listen to what I was finally ready to say.

"Gah! F-fine, Jimmy's been the one bullying me. At first it- ngh! It was Jimmy and Craig n-now it's Jimmy a-and Butters..." I explained. I assumed that they could fill themselves in on the rest of the story as they seemed to be onto me since the beginning. Everyone went silent just taking it all in. Well everyone except Kenny who gave me the proudest smile that I've seen in a while from him, which made me happier about this whole situation. Alexis was next to make a move as she stormed out the door, Michala of course following to I'm assuming calm her down.

"Dude, I'm so proud of you." Kenny acknowledged, walking closer to me to sit in the chair next to my bed.

❝ Alexis' POV ❞

"Alexiissssss" Michala whined from behind me, not really wanting to jog to catch up with me. I was kind of just mad that Tweek lied to me after saying he would never! "Plez dud." She attempted, now starting to slowly jog to catch up. After she caught up I took it as my cue to start ranting on about my opinion on the whole ordeal.

"Why would he lie to us? And all summer too!" I complained. I wasn't all that mad just not really happy about it..

"I dunno son." Michala replied, walking down the hallways of the hospital till we were finally able to find our way out. We walked in silence all the way to my house. Me just sulking, her just there for emotional support and to make sure I didn't do anything crazy even if I never would. One things for sure I'm defiantly not forgiving him any time soon!


"I guess I forgive you..." I sigh, looking over to Tweek. I was easy on forgiving for the most part. "But that's only because I love you Tweekster." I confessed. I've never actually told him I had a crush on him before because he seemed a bit... occupied.

"Ack! W-what!?" He freaked. Have I mentioned that I haven't even said that in a friendly way because he's so squeamish. I waiting in silence so he would probably go over all the scenarios of me lying or not lying to him in his head. This stayed silent all until he decided to break it again. "Gah! R-really?" He asked, probably trying to slim down his options.

"Yeah..." I replied more awkwardly than normal. The only reason for that being the fact that I was scared he'd over react and leave me...

"W-well." Was all he spat out. I'm pretty sure he went back to thinking because after a long pause he followed up with "Argh! C-can I think about this later?" I nodded my head, continuing to walk down the halls with him to our meet up spot before we seemed too suspiciously late... Even if I wish we were suspiciously late.

"Hey!" Kenny sounded offended as we walked up, followed by Michala laughing.

"Ah the normal love birds." I laughed, sitting down next to Michala who elbowed me.

"I hate you." She spoke up, nodded her head towards Tweek. The group seemed so much more happy since Jimmy has been suspended and Butters actually apologized this time. Everything finally seemed like it was falling into place for once this year. 'Maybe if we were lucky it'd stay this way for the rest of high school.'  I mentally laughed at myself, knowing for sure that things would probably only stay this way for a week or so. But a girl can dream, and dream I shall.

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