〖Chapter 8〗

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"S-so I was what? Ngh- I was your emotional punching bag? You can't do that to me man." Tweek continued to cry as he said this, making me feel genuinely bad.

"This wasn't the plan, dude!" I tried to calm him down.

"Well guess what, Craig! Love doesn't follow a plan!"

"Yeah" Butters cheered making me shoot him a glare.

"I was totally wrong about you. I opened myself up and let you in. But you've got spikes, man. You've got spikes." Tweek scoffed, walking off crying. I think I even saw him grin! That little douche!

"Seriously!? Again?" I sighed. Walking the other direction towards my locker. Walking past loads of girls who I'd normally stop and hit on up until that freak ruined everything for me again! I punched my locker causing everyone to flee the locker room. Everyone except non other than Tweek Tweak himself.

"Gah! How was I, man?" He smiled brightly at me. I flipped him off and turned to walk away but with all the coffee that boy drinks he could probably walk next to me while i was running. "Oh no. D-did I do bad? Ah! I told you it was too much pressure for me!" He panicked, pulling on his hair. Which surprised me a little cause he usually pulled on his shirt nowadays.

"Look Freak, It's over. What's done is done." I snapped at him causing him to jump a little.

"A-alright. Ack! Are we still fr-friends?" I chuckled a little before turning to push him up against a locker.

"We were never friends, alright? I don't know if you think you're all that just because you got to fake date me but you aren't. That was all to get you completely out of me life." I hissed at him. I let him go and walked out of the locker room in a hurry. I don't know what's wrong with me but I felt really bad for doing that to him.... 'Shut up Craig, you don't care about him. You never have and you never will.'

❝ Tweek's POV

After Craig left i slid my back down the wall, curled up in a ball and cried. It's like I was so close to winning the boxing match only to be punched back into reality. Craig would never like me back anyways and I was stupid for thinking he would.

"T-Tweek? Buddy are you okay?" I heard Butters rush down the long corridor of lockers to get to me. He put an arm around me and kind of squeezed me. As much as I wasn't used to Butters and it was a little weird, I needed this.

"Where's Alexis?" I sniffled, looking up to wipe my eyes, then looked towards Butters. His face went blank and cold as he harshly let me go and got back on his feet.

"I knew it!" He yelled, giving me a harsh look. I gave him a confused look looking around for some sort of help because as far as I knew Butters could be the one to kill me one day. He could even be working with those stupid underpants gnomes.

"Ah! Knew what?" I asked, getting up to my feet too. Well at least tried to because the second I was almost up Butters pushed me back down with an almost evil looking stare. "Wh-what did I do to you, man?"

"Oh please," He scoffed, looking around to make sure the coast was clear most likely. "I know exactly what you plan to do Tweek. You got Craig to fake date you and breakup so the yoai would stop then you plan to woo my girlfriend so she'll date you!" He spat, kicking my ankle at the end of his rant.

"Ack! What!? You m-mean Alexis?" I questioned rather stupidly, of course he was talking about Alexis. "Gah! I-I don't even like her, man. She's just my best friend." I explained to him but he didn't look convinced.

"Don't lie to me, Tweek, I see the way you look at her!" He kicked me again but with more force this time. I can't say it was anything new though, considering the fact I was knocked out just a little over a week ago by a crippled boy. Soon enough he was kicking me in the stomach multiple times and calling me all sorts of names that I didn't even think he knew since he was... or i thought he was such a good kid. "If you tell ANYONE, especially Alexis, what I did to you it'll be the end of you. Got it?" Butters whispered in my ear. I nodded a quick response. "Now let's go. The whole reason I came here was to find you and bring you back cause you're stupid friends and Alexis were worried about you." He harshly helped me up and dragged me down the halls with him until we approached the normal group.

"There you two are!" Alexis cheered, getting up to hug both me and Butters.

"Yeah what took you so long, Butters?" Michala asked, looking quite skeptical. A look that even scared the evil human being that was Butters.

"W-well he was kinda hard to find for a little and then I saw him crying i-in the locker room, so i comforted him for a while." He kinda wasn't lying, except most of the time wasn't comforting in the slightest....

"Is this true, Tweek?" Kenny asked, giving Butters a glare. Kenny was never to big of a fan of Butters.

"It's true guys I swear, right Tweek!?" He panicked, looking over at me for help. I really really really wanted to give him out right then and there, but if I did that so many bad things could come from it... Like what if they didn't believe me and kicked me out of the group for trying to accuse Butters? Or what if they did believe me and Butters continued to follow me and beat me up? For all I know Butters could be a secret underwear gnome sent to get into my house and when I'm not expecting it, steal all my underwear!

"Gah! Yeah i-it's true..." I lied straight to the faces of the people I love the most... Their faces filled with relief and they do a collective sigh assuming everything is alright... It's not.

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