〖Chapter 23〗

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Tweek: Uhm... You should like let me in..

Alexis: No.

Tweek: I really need to talk to you tho

I sat outside her apartment on her stairs waiting for a reply or for her to open the door. I probably sat out there for a good twenty minutes before I heard a door. I shot up and smiled only for it to be the person across from her that I just startled

"Oh! Gah! I'm so s-sorry." I twitched, jogging down the stairs and out the guy's way.

"No problem, kiddo. You just surprised me that's all." He smiled, tipping his hat at me and leaving down the pathway to his car. I ran back up the stairs and sat outside her door again except at the top instead of actually on the stairs because I don't want to be in anyone's way again. After what seemed to be like an hour I started mindlessly banging on her door with one of my hands rhythmically.

"What!?" She yelled, opening the door. I was so out of it that I almost hit her in the leg. I stood up and went to hug her but she kinda like hid behind her door so I just went to the talking method instead.

"Ack! O-okay I have no clue how to uh.. Tell you this." I was so scared of getting hit in the face that I instantly flinched when she opened the door more.

"Are you here to break up with me again?" She hissed sarcastically, crossing her arms at me.

"Uhm, no. Gah! I just. We can't. I like Craig!" I spat out but instantly covered my mouth. "Ah! T-that wasn't meant to come out -ngh! Like that! I'm sorry." I hid my face behind my hands in half shame and half terror. She laughed a little before speaking up.

"Hey, I ship it." She laughed, becoming instantly more happy.

"Erk! Y-you what?" I asked, not sure if I heard her right.

"I ship it, you two are cute. Go for it, dude." She smiled, hugging me while I was still kinda hiding behind my face.

"Ngh! Is this a trick? T-his is way too much pressure, man!" I panicked, almost pushing her off till I realized that's exactly why Craig hates me right now. "A-are we- ngh! We good now?"

"Yeah we're good. Go to you're man!" She laughed at herself, before retreating back into her house with a goodbye.

"Ack! My 'man' doesn't e-even like me anymore." I whispered, trudging down the stairs.

❝ Cartman's POV ❞

"You know Butters, you've been a good friend since... she left me." I chocked out, still pretty sad that Wendy left me for whoever is across from her now. I never even ever pictured us becoming a couple in the first place. She's so... her, and I'm so awesome. I smiled at myself for a second but that quickly disappeared. She was just always so bossy, and commanding, and she wanted things to go her way. But she was pretty, and nice, and funny all the time too. "Man I miss her so much" I whispered. Butters instantly put his hand on my back in a kind of comforting way to make sure I wasn't going to break down and cry again. He used to be like the school jerk or whatever but he's actually a really good friend to me. He probably just wants to get in my pants, he's gay like that. I mean maybe I wouldn't mind much but I would never say that. If I go walking around these halls as bisexual or 'bi-curious' like everyone else calls it I would get beat to hell. Think about it, I've been walking these halls calling people queers, fags, gay. What would they think if this whole time I was partially like those faggots. It's really honestly a habit by now, I'm surprised people are still offended by it since I say it so much. I mean they'd probably think weird of me if I came out as bi and still called them queers and fags but I can't really help it, habits are hard to break. This has been a struggle almost my whole life. I've had a few crushes on guys here and there, nothing serious that I'd act upon. Butters is something serious I'd want to act upon though... That's weird I've never said that before, that's creepy.. He probably doesn't even like me back despite him being 'bi-curious' apparently. Its probably all my imagination honestly.

❝ Butters' POV ❞

"Yeah no problem, bud." I reply, itching the back of my neck and smiling at him. It's really hard to pretend you aren't gay around someone who is so against them. Especially when you like them and you know even though you're way to shy to say anything like that to them you can't anyways because you'll lose them as a friend. Man, I don't wanna know what would happen if I told Cartman I was gay for him. He'd probably call me 'Fairy boy' or something along those lines so I knew I wasn't accepted by him and he'd tell me to get away from him. Granted he hangs around Stan and Kyle, the gayest couple in all of South Park. They're all over each other and Cartman still hangs out with them. But they don't like Cartman so the gay isn't really directed towards him. He'd probably feel way more uncomfortable if someone of the same sex liked him instead of liking some other guy that wasn't him. He'd probably think I was some freak or something. That or he'd still be hurt over Wendy and think I was playing some cruel joke on him just for the fun of it, which I'd never do but he doesn't know that. Besides I'm some sort of bad guy in these parts, everyone doesn't want to hang around Butters. Everyone hated me before I bullied Tweek now everyone hates me more. Nobody really get's that sometimes when you're bullied you bully just to balance things out. But I guess I'll always be a single bad guy.

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