Chapter 34

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There is a story I would love you guys to read, it's called Warriors: Prophecy of the Sun by Tigerheart. It's really great, but deserves more reads!
Thank you so much for reading! Fan or comment, I am open to criticism!
OVER 2400 READS! woot woot


Harvey sat on the floor of the barn, staring up at the rusted loft over his head. He'd grown reasonably in the past moon, he noticed as he stretched his long legs. His belly growled, as it always did in the morning. He was fed reasonably well lately, though. It'd been almost a moon since Snowypaw had last seen him, and he was taken. Maybe that wierd cat on the fence had passed her the message. If she hadn't, then  she would surely hate him for leaving, out of the blue. He could see through the small gaps in the old barn walls that the sun was coming up...

A mouse flew at his head, and Harvey caught it before it reached his face. "Breakfast," gruffed a heavy tom that was his prison guard for the day.

"You know it, Bloodscar." He winked. Bloodscar smiled gloomily.

Harvey rolled over on his back, holding the dead mouse between his paws. It was stone cold, courtesy of Fire, but he sat up and ate it anyway. It was chewy, but very fat; it was the beginning of the warm season, when the prey escaped their holes and the few rogues who knew how to hunt found them.

A bright white she-cat with long legs stalked up to his prison corner, lifting her nose as she approached. She looked at Bloodscar, then to him with disgust. "Fire requests your prescence."

"Wonderful!" Harvey cheered. He stood up on his long, black legs and slipped past Bloodscar to follow the she-cat.

He kept directly behind Shimmerdawn, sticking to the sentence Fire had given him. The gazes of the eldest cats were far kinder than those of the queens, who drew their kits closer if he got within a fox-length or two. About a third of the adult cats looked at him with sympathy, but the rest gave him looks of contempt. Harvey followed the she-cat up the ladder and into the circle of cats.

Fire was certainly a sight to see. His ginger fur glowed with health, his green eyes shining with content. He was fatter than a raven, and among the other cats who stood around him whose ribs could be seen, he was like a crow among sparrows. His loyal mate, Sasha, was grooming his fur. Their kits, Shadow and Ivy, were sitting in uniform on either side of them. Cardinal and Leather were both behind Fire, who himself was standing on top of a large haybale. Cardinal looked at Harvey from above like a king, full of self-pride. He acts as if his situation is more rewarding than mine! Harvey thought. In theory, his position in the rogue band was higher, but it was much less rewarding.

Fire smirked as he walked up. "Greetings, Harvey," he purred.

"Good morning, Your Highness." He bowed dramatically.

He smiled evilly. "I called you here to-- Sasha! Lay off!" He swiped at her with his paw. She glared at him and shied away. "We need to discuss the upcoming attack on the forest Clans."

Harvey cocked his head. "What is there to discuss? You're just going to go over there with some cats and make them surrender so you don't have to lift a claw, right?"

Fire smiled triumphantly. "Wrong! We don't have near enough cats for an ambush like that."

"Are you sure?" he questioned, seeing the fifteen healthy cats around them.

"Of course I'm sure. And you, Harvey, are a key piece in my plan. You will come with me and the others to the houses so we can get some of the alley cats on our side."

"You think loners have the skills to match the forest Clan cats? Most of us here can't even take one of them on!"

Fire growled. "Of course I can! Leathertooth can, Cardinalclaw can, and I can name about ten others. Now let's go." Shimmerdawn shoved him to the ladder and he hopped down the rungs to the ground.

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