Chapter 23

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*HEY GUYS! I love the comments I'm getting... thanks for the compliments, those who commented. Fan me and enjoy the story. I have decided to write as long of a story as I need. Almost 950 reads, can't wait for 1,000!*


Dawnstar halted at the entrance to his camp. He was leading the rogues right into an attack, he realized. Ringpool scouted into camp for them (after her persistent begging to do her first activity as a returning warrior) and found that the camp was near empty. Just the queens, Cherryfoot and Finchpaw, and a few warriors; all others were on patrol. Aldergaze and Wavepaw saw them as all eight cats snuck in as quiet as possible. Shade proceded to guard Sunny and her kits at the approach of the two cats, silently cursing their prescence.

The two cats were bristling. "Who are they?" Aldergaze asked warily. "They don't smell like Clan cats, or look like it for that matter."

"These are guests, thus far," Dawnstar replied. "Rogues that passed through, who need assistance and will be on their way soon." Dawnstar eyed him.


Wavepaw growled. "What do they want, Dawnstar?"

"Nothing. What I want," he replied, "is to help them."

"Who says we need help," Shade countered.

Dawnstar looked him up and down. "Have you seen your ribs lately? Because I have." Shade scowled.

Cherryfoot approached. Shade stiffened again. "Dawnstar, can I talk to you?" The medicine cat asked.

"What are they doing here?" Cherryfoot asked when they had shied away from the group. Aldergaze and Shade were arguing about something.

"I got ANOTHER prophecy." Dawnstar growled and looked at Cherryfoot. "When the sun breaks the circle, the flame gives false sight. Safety will come in morning's first light." He shook his pelt. "The light will come but if the Snow does not choose right, the rest will go."

Cherryfoot looked at him with clouded green eyes. "Morning's first light? That's you, Dawnstar."

Dawnstar laughed. "Me?" Then he thought. "Hm. I suppose you could be right."

"Of course, I'm experienced in these things. Now, when the sun breaks the circle...:

"Done. Sunny, the golden queen," Dawnstar said, pointing out Sunny behind Shade. "She broke the circle of the forest, the circle around the four Clans."

"Are you sure?"

"I know."

"Okay, then "the flame gives false sight." What could it mean?"

"No idea..."

Suddenly, a yowl from the nursery interrupted them. "Squirrelcloud!" Cherryfoot ran over to the cave.

Dawnstar returned to the rogues. "Alright, so maybe I should explain the amount of cats we have here...."

"I'm sure there aren't too many," Sunny assured.

"We have two queens, more than 2 kits, two medicine cats, four apprentices, three elders and sixteen warriors. And me."

Sunny blinked. "Oh... well, maybe we can adapt."

"My thoughts exactly." Dawnstar turned to Shade. "I assure you, Shade, none of my warriors will attack you. As long as you don't provoke them."

Shade glared at the tawny tom. "That is a LOT of cats, Dawnstar. I don't know if we should stay..."

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