Chapter 17

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Dawnstar yawned and sighed. It was too early in the morning for him to comprehend every word that was said by Cherryfoot, but he got the gist that she knew what was going on. The young medicine cat had set about explaining the prophecy to her leader.

"So, BeachClan?" Dawnstar inquired.

"And Thunderclaw," she replied.

"And he--"

"Thunderclaw tells the whole forest!"

"--about the prophecy. Ahhh...."


Dawnstar yawned. "You know, it is really early, so would you wake me up at sunrise to do the dawn patrol?"

Cherryfoot mrrowed with amusement. "Too late! Come look outside, Dawnstar." She twitched her tail and he followed her.

The world outside looked like early morning. The pink light of dawn illuminated the rock dens and crevices and ledges and boulders, and shadows cascaded through the camp. Dense green ferns and bushes alternated with golden oaks. The clearing was in the middle of an oak forest, and you could hear the whispering willows by the river.

Cherryfoot went to her den, while Dawnstar leapt down the boulders to the ground and slipped into the warrior's den. The sleeping pelts stirred occasionally but didn't move. When he reached a long-furred blue lump, he jabbed it with a paw. It snorted (Dawnstar snickered at this) and reared its ugly head at its assaulter. When the blue-gray eyes recognized Dawnstar, he got up and shook himself. "Hello, Dawnstar," Skypelt muttered.

He pointed to the pale light filtering through the vines of the bramble and ivy thicket that was the warrior's den. "Go eat before the others wake up, and then set up patrols. It's almost dawn."

Skypelt nodded, and weaved around Dawnstar, sneaking out of the den.

The tawny leader looked around without moving, trying to spot the ginger, red, and gray pelts of the warriors he'd take on patrol. When he emerged from the warrior's den into the clearing, Shortwhisker, Rosefang, and Thrushfall followed.

He groggily walked over to the prey pile, picked up a rabbit and dragged it into the nursery. There were three shadows of cats:  Squirrelcloud, who should kit any day now, snoring; Ringpool, her dark pelt alternating with bright shades of gray, also sleeping; and Mistyfur, her light gray pelt relflected in the darkness, blue eyes shining while her kits scrambled to their feet, seeing Dawnstar. He placed the squirrel next to Mistyfur before her kits attacked his twitching tail. Springkit and Patchkit were about a moon old now. He snuck out of the den after the queen said her thanks and shushed her kits enough to eat.

When he saw the camp outside, more cats had woken up and the sun was higher in the sky. Cats were eating fresh-kill beside their dens, and many warriors were gathered in a circle. Dawnstar walked closer to them.

Skypelt was organizing patrols. "Amberstrike, you lead a border patrol with Eaglefeather, Creamflight and Lightwing, and go by the FieldClan border. I'll lead a hunting patrol by the apple trees with Whisperpaw, Clovermist, Stormeyes, Specklegaze, and Bouncestorm."

"And I," Dawnstar mewed, sneaking up behind him, "will lead the dawn patrol to TreeClan border. I will take... Thrushfall, Rosefang, Shortwhisker, and myself." Skypelt purred and nodded.

"Well then, come on!" Dawnstar and his patrol left the hollow, followed by the other patrols.

When they got into the forest, the line up became Dawnstar and Eaglefeather in the front, and Thrushfall and Rosefang not too far behind them. Eaglefeather seemed excited to be walking alone with him in the forest. It seemed pretty important.

To Eaglefeather's surprise, in the forest, Dawnstar turned to him, Thrushfall and Rosefang. He told the young warriors it was very important.

"Now," Dawnstar meowed, "I have a very, very important proposition for all of you. Each of you have special abilities, and I believe that you are all ready to pass on your skills to a young kit."

Rosefang gasped. "You mean we're getting apprentices?!" The young she-cat jumped up and down happily. "I've been waiting for this day!" Thrushfall put a tail on her shoulder to calm her down.

He nodded. "I think you are all very fine warriors that have proven yourselves to me. Ringpool's kits are all old enough to being their apprenticeships, and at dusk I'm going to have the ceremony. Whisperpaw is becoming a warrior, as well."

"Could you tell us which kit we get?" Thrushfall asked politely.

"No, that'll be a surprise!" Dawnstar replied giddily. He looked up at the sky, and the sun was in its morning state. "Now, let's get that patrolling done." The four warriors padded off through the cool, morning forest. The leaves were yellow and red, and the ground was patched with green and orange. They all went along quietly until they reached a grove of tall, branchless trees, which were covered in TreeClan scent.

It was almost funny, because almost as soon as they reached the border, a young cat leapt out of the brush. It wasn't a big cat, but looked almost like a kit. The little tom was small, white and had glowing blue eyes.

"Surrender yourselves to the mighty, superior, cunning, brilliant, vigilant..." the young cat boasted. "Strong, ferocious bodacity of GORSEPAW!" He mewed, bared his teeth and drew up his lips in a confident snarl.

A rustle from the bushes, and emerged a much older cat, a black she-cat with green eyes was beautiful, except for the deathly scar that went from the tip of her ear, over the bridge of her nose and to her other cheek. She was the mentor of this cat, and whapped the young tom on his back, his hind legs and the back of his head, as a teacher would put a child in order with a meterstick.

The TreeClan warrior apologized. "Hello there, Dawnstar," she mewed and bowed. "I am Blueshine, and this is Gorsepaw." She nodded at her apprentice. "Sorry for the problem. Mintstar!" She twisted her neck and called into the trees, and the creamy she-cat walked regally into the clearing.


Blueshine nodded towards the EarthClan cats.

"Oh! Greetings, Dawnstar." Her green eyes shone.

Dawnstar bowed his head. "Mintstar. How is TreeClan?"

"Fine. And yours?"

"Great." He heard one of his warriors shuffle uncomfortably behind him. "Well, we were just patrolling. So, as long as we're all fine here, I guess we'll get--"

"Hey!" An angry growl interrupted him. He snapped his head in the direction of the noise. It was Thrushfall, growling at Gorsepaw, who was on the EARTHCLAN side of the border. He was about a tail-length across the border, and Thrushfall was batting him, claws sheathed, back to his territory. Blueshine rushed over and grabbed the stupid tom by the scruff and slapped him with her tail. "I just wanted to see what happened," he grunted defensively. Gorsepaw tried to struggle out of his mentor's grip.

Mintstar gaped and looked from Dawnstar, to Gorsepaw, and back again. "I'm sorry... that was a bit embarrassing." She laughed nervously.

"It's alright," Dawnstar assured. Then he added with an edge, "just keep your cats on your territory next time."

Mintstar scoffed. "You think I can't keep my warriors under control?"

"Well, not exactly, but under the circumstances..."

The cream-colored she-cat snorted and puffed out her chest. She turned to leave, walking confidently on her side of the border. Giving one last, annoyed look at the EarthClan patrol, she led Blueshine and Gorsepaw into the autumn trees.

"Well, that was terrible," Rosefang commented. "Totally awkward." The other toms nodded.

"Well, let's get mark the borders and then get back to camp," Dawnstar suggested. "Sunhigh at the latest, please. Then we can rest up for tonight!"

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