Warriors: Dawnstar's Message

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The moon was high and full as Dawnstar creeped out of the EarthClan camp. The wind blew softly on the newleaf trees, and leaves rustled overhead. It had only been a few sunrises since the battle with FieldClan over the mole fields, and his Clan was still recovering from the shock. Coalstar had lost all but one of his lives before the battle, and joined StarClan fighting for EarthClan. As deputy, Dawnstar had began using his leader name. Every other cat had, as well. But it was hard to let go of Coalstar completely.

He'd been so absorbed in his memories that only when a stick cracked behind him did he notice the cat approaching him. He whipped around to see the face of Cherryfoot, the medicine cat of EarthClan, her green eyes wide with concern.

"I got worried when you slipped out of camp," she mewed. "And I hope you didn't think I couldn't see you."

Dawnstar let his fur lay flat. He licked his white paw and drew it over his ear. "Thank you for the pity, Cherryfoot. But get some rest," he said, not unkind. "You've been working all night treating the warrior's wounds."

Cherryfoot's tail flicked with annoyance; she was obviously very stressed. "At the rate Finchpaw and I are working, they won't be healed for another moon!"

"Calm down!" Dawnstar meowed. "I need you to stay calm, for the sake of the Clan. I know you're under a lot of stress, but all of our warriors need something to believe in right now."

"I know, Dawnstar." Cherryfoot relaxed a little. "If there is someone under stress, it's you. That reminds me-- you really must go to the Moonpit! It may soon be too late for StarClan to accept you as our leader."

Dawnstar sighed and gave his chest a few embarrassed licks. "I know I can't really become leader until I recieve their blessing, but I can't afford to leave the Clan now. There aren't enough warriors to escort me otherwise, so I really have no choice."

"But I can send the most healed warriors with you, like Spottedclaw! And Eaglefeather's paw has healed quite enough!"

Dawnstar stared into Cherryfoot's troubled, tired eyes and had to look away. He gazed into the stars and silently begged StarClan to forgive him, that he was too devoted to his Clan that he couldn't leave. It wasn't possible. He turned around with a glance at Cherryfoot, and walked slowly back to camp.

He knew he had to go to the Moonpit, the crater paved with pawsteps that glistened in the light of the moon. StarClan had every reason to believe he was as loyal to EarthClan as any cat, but they had none to believe he was loyal to his ancestors... which was exactly what they wondered as they watched him from the stars.


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